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Advice Request
Ravindranathan Govindan Nair
Ravindranathan Govindan Nair

Ravindranathan Govindan Nair

director placement

SNMV institute of Management studies


Ravindranathan Govindan Nair is a member of:

Growth Prospect in marketing
Fast ,real fast, I started with Pharma Industry with a German MNC, where i was offer 45 days training in Mumbai which had given me an ideal launch Pad to mold my self as a successful sales professional.
My first year of service, i followed, what was Preached and asked to be Practiced,hard work in the proper manner with required adequate knowledge of the product to be promoted as well belief in the product and company as well in me that,'i am the best and i offer you the best'.
made me a successful professional.
I was a self starter, Planner of the days work, achieve them what may come and leave the rest to nature and after a consistent duration of your hard work , the desired result stated poring in, the result was directly proportional to the sincere, dedicated as well hard work done.
as was repeating the same year after year, i was identified as a successful individual. and was promoted in the 4th year after that no looking back , was on the way to Head the state in another 3 years.
Yes to consumers needs,i realized your need and i have the product which you require,at a economical price , compared to your competitors or Overseas manufacturers.
Today Marketing is, reach your customer at where they are, rather than make them come to you,or search for you.

Marketing for any sector is important to announce their presence, then exhibit and trigger your cash flow statements.
Recommended Courses and Certification
Certification- definitely yes, as we are in the global village, we all should recognize each other not as Indian or Chinese but as well as internationally certified professional.
Online Degree from any reputed Educational institutions is a must.
So that you are aware of the Global Expectation and delivery.
Suggestions to aspirants
3 point scale-
1.Enter with Interest,
2. Believe in you and your company and Product/service offered by your company.
3. under stand not your competitor's weakness but your Products, your companies as well your weakness as a sales person.
Role in an organization
Sales promotion,billing, collection -profit center.
Identifying Markets,Identifying business partners in different parts of the Country,recruitment of Manpower, Training, field training, result orientation, customer satisfaction, Competitors relation.Creating Goodwill, Creating Word of mouth.customer grievance redressal,Reply to customers promptly, being sincere.OPEN to all sub insubordinate, redressal of their grievances personally, professionally.
Marketing - is the basis for all streams in this highly competitive world.
Manufacturing, HR, Accounts,Finance,and other departments depend on each other as a co function and marketing is the Main function that will sustain all other functions in tandem with HR function.
As we are global.
Achieving Targets
My team members clearly understand that they are in for a long career,
Selection of Manpower, Training them satisfactorily to deliver correct info about the product offered, understanding your customer well, pre-planning your day with contingency, try to work as a team with the organisational goal in Mind.
handling customer objection as well complementing the competitor as they are our best friends an well Competitor not Enemy No:1.
Addressing personal, emotional issues as well financial issues.
Become a part of a family of your sales force.

Continuous training and updation, solving Problems faced by product or you or company etc.
1. Congratulate all of them that they are grounded.
2. You are a virgin again, let us sit and brain storm on Strategy not to loose this way, but by some other way.
3.Select a young new leader to lead the team.
4.Take a good vacation before you restart.
5.Announce a target - small target and Big prize.
6.Introduce a New product that will sell easily.
7. Organise a customer meet for redressal.
My personal satisfaction, My reward by way of increment,timely promotion,
Working condition, Employee welfare, Employee Engagement.
Profit of the organisation.
Future prospect
Heading my own training company
Hindu,ET,Times, Hindu speaks on Management,Marketing Management,
Website of these journals and authors.

All India Management Association -membership.
American Management association-membership.
Importance of Marketing
My role is simple and clear.I am creating Brand worthiness by Ensuing a training program which takes into account the strength and weakness of the students graduating out of college in relation to Industry expectation to be part of the industry successfully.
We build confidence in the students by Motivating them enough as well sustaining the motivation and Hand holding them through their journey on campus placement and after their selection to plan their initial days away from home.The challenge is to ensure that students who studied through a system of state board education with very low confidence to communicate or face the world.
They are to be motivated and infused with loads of Confidence, so ,that they start believing in them selves that they can also communicate effectively in English and become Employable or become an Entrepreneur.
Marketing is the design and strategy of the product and promotion, now sales is defined as meeting end customer and promoting the same to buy.
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