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Advice Request
Rashmi Singha
Rashmi Singha

Rashmi Singha

Managing Trustee/ Consultant

Global Peoples Management - WWW.GPMT.IN


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Brief description about me
HR professional with 14+ years of experience.Strategic Planning,HRD Functions, General Administration, Recruitment & Resourcing, Performance Management, Industrial Relations, Seminars and Event Management, Spokesperson,Grievance Handling, Payroll Management & Statutory Compliance,Internet Sales,Proposal Preparation,Training & Development, Recruitment,Organisational Development,Employee Engagement,Executive Leadership,Corporate Communication,Successfully led teams of HR professionals who instituted best HR practices on recruitment techniques,formulation of standard operating procedures and policies, cost effective training & development, competency mapping, performance management, compensation strategies, etc, Statutory Compliance, legal proceedings, Content writing and Client Management. Deft in managing the wide spectrum of administrative tasks and facility management including procurement of material & services, formulation of purchases & procurement policy, vendor development.
Degree that I recommend
I wish I could have done SAP in HR. Also I wanted to appear for the Administrative services. Seeing the current level of corruption, I always have believed that we can change a system for betterment of public only if we are part of that system. But due to family priorities, I couldn't chase that dream of mine.
My strongest skill
Being an HR professional, I truly feel my Public Speaking capacity is my biggest strength. I can address a substantial gathering with an ease. My confidence of my knowledge of Industrial and Labour Laws substantiates my ethical moves. My confidence in doing things right and ethically and there is a reward to every hard work keeps me going.
Couple of years from now
Keeping in view the current employment market, I would like to concentrate my focus on building up my own firm which stands apart from others. I would like to see myself as a Corporate Trainer in coming days.
Initiative to develop a country
"I" has to get converted to "WE". We being professionals, should encourage ethical practices in business. Should raise voice against all un-ethical practices going on. Then only we can create employment opportunities for the deserving. We have to be BRAVE both in our acts and thoughts
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
"Honesty & Integrity", "Ability to delegate" and give ownership to sub-ordinates. It leads to creation of TRUST. "Confidence", "Clear Communication", "Sense of humour" to pacify hard situations, "Commitment towards the team and work deliveries", "Time Management", "Positive attitude and ability to inspire", "Lead by examples", Should be able to take ownership for the team's success as well as failures. Should be intuitive at times, should have a good listening power and highly emotionally controlled individual.
Influenced by
First of all "GOD" and then my "HUSBAND". GOD - The most powerful thing that I possess is the "BELIEF IN THE ALMIGHTY". It just gives me strength to fight all odds and embrass all events because there is a reason for everything that's happening around us and we should take life as it comes as non of us know what LIFE has under its wings to unfold. I come from a very well of family and married to a very well of family. But LIFE has its own ways of teaching you and hence has to struggle to create my own identity and my husband always encouraged me for everything that I wanted to do to create my own identity. An economics graduate during marriage acquired certification in MBA, ADIT, Taxation, Income Tax, Service Tax and many more because of the support and encouragement from my Husband. Today I have an identity as "Rashmi Singha" because of these 2 STRENGTHS in my life - GOD and my HUSBAND. I owe them everything.
My achievements
I was just a 1st class economics graduate when I got married. I am proud of all my educational as well as professional certification that I acquired during these 14 years.
More about myself
The stigma of not having women in leadership position still exist. Infact women are the best leaders and managers because they can multitask themselves with much ease. We have many women talents those who are no able to showcase since there is a huge lack of opportunity. I would request to encourage more women oriented programmes through which we can identify better women entrepreneurs. After all if a woman can give birth to a child which needs the maximum endurance, she can handle any responsibility. Still in small corporate women are subjected to harassment and subjugation. Need to address that at a wider angle and prospective.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Need not blame the system. Rather blame the people who are responsible to run the system properly and ethically. But THAT'S NEITHER EVIDENT NOR VISIBLE. The relation of TRUST, FAITH & CONVICTION between teacher and student is lost. Teachers are more money minded. They encash more on taking tutorials rather than giving attention to students in the class. Students have lost faith and respect for teachers because of lack in care and attention. Lets first strengthen that bond. Parents with financials strengths are able to address the changing trend where are parents of brighter students with no financial strengths are either harp on their helplessness or succumb to un-ethical practices. We have to sword off the vicious circle.
My family background
My family - My father, a retired Sr. GM from NALCO (National Aluminium Company Ltd.) and my mother a retired Sr. teacher from Saint Lawrence. We are 4 sisters and well settled. My husband's family: My husband is an advocate with Odisha High Court as well as Joint Secretary of Cuttack Tax Bar Association. My father-in-law is a CA where as my mother-in-law is a retired Professor. My brother-in-law and his wife, both doctors. My daughter, my greatest possession studies in standard 10th.
Important lesson learned
LIFE has taught me many lessons. I have struggled and achieved what I am today. I just believe in two MANTRAS - GOD AND KARMA. Every individual should have faith in GOD and do his/her duties diligently. Anything which is achieved with hard work has its own charm. Struggle has its own charm and rewards.Its very satisfying and gives a sense of happiness and contentment.
Ensuring success
Continue to believe in my MANTRAS OF LIFE! TAKE LIFE AS IT COMES. Take care of my loved Ones and my duties towards them. Grow my Company with passion, hard work. Help young professionals to grow.
Important decision
Decided to do all my higher service after marriage. Open my own company -Consultancy Firm to help talented associated join and gain financials advantages.
My role model
Every individual who has the guts to fight injustice and and is dedicated, hard working, ethical is a role model for me. No matter whether he is a Rickshaw puller creating an IAS officer or a PILOT flying a plane with 300 passengers on board.
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