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Advice Request
Rani Malli
Rani Malli

Rani Malli

Senior Director

Philips Electronics India


Rani Malli is a member of:

- Expert
The Journey So Far:
I was brought up in a traditional Indian joint family with 6 sisters. I have a masters in Computer Science ,started my career as a Scientist in Defence R&D and have over 22 years of experience in this field.
Job Profile
I have been part of Philips Innovation Campus for last 10 years which is the product development centre of Philips with extensive R&D capabilities . At Philips Innovation Campus(PIC), Bangalore, I head the Business Excellence, Quality Management and Regulatory division and I am a member of PIC Management team. My team and I ensure that we have right processes/infrastructure to deliver quality products in healthcare, lighting and consumer lifestyle.
The Decisions That Mattered
I have made quite a few important career decisions.

First, I took up a job abroad for a private company , quitting the position of a gazetted officer in the central government. This was considered a risk in 1996 as I was giving up a stable job with the Government! But I am very happy to have made that career move. It changed my career direction. I moved from embedded system development to Process definition. This was a huge learning experience for me.

Second, I accepted the role of a Quality manager in Philips healthcare while my previous role was that of a product manager. This was a very well thought out decision for I realised my passion was in quality.
Visions as a Leader
As a leader you need to be a pioneer and excel in whatever you do
Doing it Differently
I would not do any thing differently. I had taken decisions at appropriate time and when the decisions went wrong, I took corrective measures. Life is not perfect!
Lessons Learned from a Professional Life
The professional career has helped me think more broader and accept radical ideas .One attribute I would like to highlight is that I do not give up anything easily both in professional and personal life. I always believe that things can be made better than what they are today. This keep me going day after day.
An Achievement to Feel Proud About
My team and peers view me as a leader with a vision and as person with humility. There is no greater compliment than that.
Message to a Budding Professional
I always advocate "to have clear view on what one wants from life and why do they want that". If that clarity exists, you know how to go from one point to another. Life will pose enough challenges , but we can always find ways to solve them.

Whenever you are in a dilemma on balancing work and life ask yourself, At the age of 60, what would I like to be perceived as?" This will help you gain clarity on how to balance things at that moment.
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