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Ask Ramesh Kumar for Advice
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Advice Request
Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar

Ramesh Kumar

HP-UX Admin


Current Trends
i would try to enhance my skill in the filed of HP-UX profile
My advice
understand the whole setup first & go through configs, don't try to alter any config before 100% surety
Company and job profile
Myself Ramesh Kumar, currently working as HP_UX admin at client site SPMCIL NOIDA U.P . here is HP Hardware based data centre where HP-UX server are configured under SG Clusters
My important career decision
update yourself according to the technology......
Family Background
I belog to a middle class family in Punjab
Making job easier
i need full autherization on all servers & devices
Being different
prefer to work with sincerity & hardwork with 100% attention
My achievement
i always believe in performing the tasks with 100% achievement ........
Managing professional as well as personal life
i try to divert my time equally in both areas
Goals and Ambitions
great achiever in my current profile
My strongest Skill
LVM File system & HP Service guard with HP storage works
Challenges faced in job
i always like challenges, they always make me perfect......
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