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Advice Request
Ram Prasad
Ram Prasad

Ram Prasad

Civil Structural Engineer

Elecon EPC Projects Limited

My role model
My role model is Sir M Visveswariah, who is still remembered with such respect for the technical and useful works done to us. He was a visionary and not an ordinary book fed engineer. His humility, honesty, fighting spirit to achieve the impossible and cleanliness are things to be copied into our lives.
Even in this internet sci-phi age, we are dependent on many of his constructions (dams, canals) for our livelihood. I really salute to the great spirit which stayed in our country and was conferred the highest Bharat Ratna for his dedicated works to humanity.
Being different
As a civil and structural engineer, I am no different from others. The education and work only has given me a window which makes me open up to a new thought process and professional management of activities. As a layman, I would have just observed few marvels of nature with amazement, but as an engineer, I can reason and also appreciate and may be also copy the background beyond that marvel.
Challenges faced in job
In the job, the real challenging thing is to please the internal (inside the firm) and external (client, contractor, site ) teams by professionally delivering the required items within the agreed time frame.The diverse nature of people with whom we interact will make it a big challenge to overcome for successful completion of works. Apart from this, is the competitive market in all fields makes us to be on edge of our toes, to upgrade our knowledge base and also venture into many untouched areas of expertise like the project management including the general design engineering in my case.This added exposure makes me to become more proficient in the work and add value to the project engineering. It indeed will add a valuable input into my career graph and will certainly make me a better team coordinator.
Goals and Ambitions
My goal and ambition is to achieve some thing good in my professional career, which can be remembered fruitfully with pride for a long time.
I want to be a part of constructive project, which benefits India in a comprehensive manner.
My achievement
Performing well academically though I had come from a different family background and securing a rank in engineering was one of my valuable achievements in life.
With regards to professional achievements there is no such thing as valuable as every thing you design, construct and commission to work is a valuable. I feel my journey from engineer trainee to DGM is a valuable achievement.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
What we are doing is our immense technical expertise is under lease with multi national firms, who make use of this highly talented pool to come up with technical products, and the recognition does not come to true inventor. Since everything counts down to remuneration, milking the talent to produce great things in the country is becoming difficult. Only a change in mindset of technical pool will change the gears and we may hold on to challenge the world with our technical marvels. It will not be far away when we will amaze the world markets.
Books recommended
I feel the books of great personalities, who have contributed significantly in our field, will certainly motivate us to perform well in our field. I recommend people starting career in my field to go through them and since nowadays everything is available online in internet. It will not be difficult to go through them.
Also I recommend reading the personality development books and emotional control related books, which play crucial role in shaping you up in your career ahead.
Family Background
I come from a humble background, my parents are no more, but my father used to work in his brother’s cloth shop and I was first in my family side to do the engineering and post graduation. I am married and by God’s grace I have a very talented wife Pavithra, who is a good art worker. She prepares festival time floor decoration instant art rangolis and has give demo in local television channel and does marketing of those products. I have a son , Nehal who is now studying in 9th standard. I love Bangalore like anything and all my studies and work has happened here only.
Managing professional as well as personal life
The personal life and professional life are like two sides of the coin and they have to be balanced properly as I have seen some of my friends ruining their personal life by over-stressing their professional life.
I generally try to follow the simple rule of Attend, Resolve or Delegate the issues coming in professional life. If people try to overload themselves in a eagerness to climb the corporate ladder quickly they will have a great fall in their personal life. Patience pays many times and mainly in this matter.
Making job easier
Main thing for a job to become easier and work to be done properly in any organization, is presence of a good team and a strong leader. Then comes the technical up-gradation of the team, along with the empowerment to the team to function without administrative hurdles. In my view, a great leader can move the team to overcome the challenges in the work.
Finally motivation is an important factor which improves the efficiency of all team members to achieve the goals.
My strongest Skill
Adapting to varying work environment and managing team is the strongest professional skill anyone will like to have. I feel I may be able to adapt to varying working environment and managing team and motive my team to reach the professional target.
The fact of having got exposure many fields during my career has exposed me to flexibility in the work nature, wherein I will not be depending on other expertise to finalize many technical issues. It is a strong attribute in my professional life. Having good human relationship with experts in my line of field also has helped me in times of professional need.
My advice
I suggest the person starting his first job in the field, to first differentiate between what he has actually studied in college and what he does practically. Both are different.
He has to first learn learn and learn with all mistakes and errors, it will make him become more perfect technically.Only after attaining a certain level of expertise, then think of moving to other field, the solid foundation at beginning of career is very important to shape a good career in future. Do not go after monetary benefits, it is not all and surely note, you will get plenty of time to make money in future. It is important how technically you are proficient. The money will follow you. Most importantly learn to be patient and emotional control is very important thing, which makes you mature quickly to a professional in all fields. Do multitasking in any field, do not stick only to whatever work is specified to you.It will help you in big manner later.
Current Trends
With world becoming smaller and being termed as global village, due to advancement in technology and engineering. India being an ideal technology hub for outsourced technical works. We will be exposed to more challenging jobs and in difficult areas. Hence, upgrading one self with latest technology in the field of design, engineering will be the game changing in couple of years.
My important career decision
I started of my career with job in TCE , which is a design consultancy firm, and worked there for first 10 years of my career, which helped me to understand the technicalities and complexities in the work nature. Then with a solid foundation laid, I started to change the firms and also the field of work. I moved to ABB Limited as Senior Project Engineer and then after exposure to contracting environment, then moved to Parsons Brinkerhoff India Pvt Ltd, where I got the exposure to gulf environment as we were Owner’s review engineer for a Qatar based Thermal Power project and then after the project was completed, then moved to Kivar Environ Pvt Ltd, which was working on solid waste management project facilities. These diverse experiences empowered me further technically and financially.Now I am presently working in Elecon EPC Projects Limited as DGM. Most significant career decision was coming out of TCE after 10 years working, which made me realise my potential in the field.
Company and job profile
I am H K Ramprasad, residing in Bangalore & am 17 years experienced civil and structural engineer, experienced in designs & drawings of Thermal power plant facilities, substation & switch yards, solid waste management facilities and material handling facilities. I have completed BE Civil & ME Structures & I secured overall 2nd rank in Bangalore university in BE Civil. I was recruited by Tata Consulting Engineers Limited(TCE) in campus and started my career as Engineer Trainee and rose to Senior Engineer level in a period of 10 years in TCE.Presently I am working as DGM civil and structural in Elecon EPC Projects Limited, It is more than 60 year old firm specialized in material handling projects, wherein the material like ore, minerals etc are transported and handled through conveyors and it is a mechanized system for efficient handling of material. As DGM, I am responsible for overgeneralizing deliverable like drawings, documents for the projects handled by my office.
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