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Advice Request
Raju Paul
Raju Paul

Raju Paul

CEO Smart Concepts

Noboday Shilpa Kutir


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Couple of years from now
In a couple of years my try is to make the stars in the sky countable which our Father&Mother the God & Goddess in reality used to show us the stars shinning in nights and told us to count them and see them glistering and inspire to look them again and again.
Important decision
In the way to my destiny my important decisions are to look after my family and guide every members to be faraway from any unsocial activities and be social,enjoy fundamental Rights and abide by our country's constitution,fill up the gap between civilization to Modernization,to fill the gap if needs ammendment of constitution would like to put forward my suggestions to the government through some individual Rights of our constitution and would request them for cross examinations and checking on my suggestions so as to keep our Democracy alive and lift our Country to Top Ten Lists and give our best to make it No. 1 in the said list,and last but not the least fulfill my eagerness to make my income multiplied with as high numerical value as possible.
Ensuring success
Here’s regarding my continuation details for ensnarement of my Do’s to reach my destiny and make development of everyone by certain means suitable for a particular person,cause others development will give me a permanent development of my life and would stand up with me till I permanently close my eyes and leave this planet,My main focus presently is on the very new tie that I have been able to convince the world’s most famous and prestigious organization its none other than Aasairi Kandi Terracotta, Nobody Shilpa Kutir’s Tie with Aasaira Kandi Terracotta
Venue: Nobody Shilpa Kutir M.G. Road Bongaigaon Post/Dist/PS- Bongaigaon Pin-783380 Contact no. +919435023066, I am further looking out for some innovative friendswith the help of some social platform provided by Microsoft taking full advantages of the positive sides and develop the negative sides and make this part lesser asfar as possible,cause success cannot be achieved without knowing my own defination,its True & no can deny it.
My role model
Role Model- Yup this is the most interesting question for me, its none other than Mainly my father who founded a very big and prestigious firm which was rarely known to me during my schooling days,I have lots of works experiences I would like to highlight the fields as such Medical,insurance,after sales services of branded electronic items organization,sales of branded Electronic items organization and last but not the least Business inserting myself in my Father's 50 years old foundation namely Noboday Shilpa Kutir I repeat one of the most oldest and renowned idol making shop Locates in M.G. Road Bongaigaon Assam India and is honored by many Highly prestigious peoples and is on the process helping and encouraging me to move forward with their hands in my back, I am really very much lucky to get such inspirational persons in my life.
Initiative to develop a country
We all are aware that our country India is a top ranker among the all developing countries in the world,so in order to add ed to the word develop all we peoples should do our professions Maintain the rules and obligations of our government and not violet any rules so as for only own development in economic or any sense,rather educate everyone for the Taxation system and think for the development of each and every person,if it happens my development is obvious and we should not turn our black money to white by depositing them in Swiss bank or doing some unnecessary investments in some private insurance sectors to get exempted from taxation system rather may create some organizations to remove poverty, this is main pic of developed India if taken under imagination for 10 minute closing our eyes and think of improvement to our Indian economic system.
Brief description about me
To all Bro/Sis, Noboday Shilpa Kutir is one of of the most oldest and well known idol making shop Founded by Sri Rajen Paul ,and about me,myself being the eldest son him Raju Paul is proud to be his son & being associated with the most World famous organization namely Aasaira kandi Terracotta is at my utmost try to introduce some modernize look to our ancient and traditional Festivals of all communities with creation of Joint venture Tie between Noboday Shilpa kutir (owner Sri Rajen Paul) & Aasaira Kandi Terracotta ( owner Sri Dhiren Paul)so as to celebrate all festivals of India with increment in joy and providing incentives to fun and in the process achieve every ones goal and make our birth as human being in this planet Earth revolving in an orbit around the sun Worthy & Happy. We Both partners believe that there is no limit for what can be accomplished working together and keep alive the Value of Arts & Cultures.
My achievements
Achievements are not certain things that are gained in life to feel proud off,they are simply the upstairs raising on which we can see all the peoples of the world and take snap shots of present world and so while developing the negative for the pic if the pic is a bit hassy on not properly visible then keep it in some place again discuss the same with everyone and request them that I need to climb one more stair to take the pic once more as the pic taken from the earlier stair was hassy and not clear,so climb to the next stair taking everyone's help and keep the process continuation till get the clear picture of the world,climbing each stairs are nothing but the word achievement and no one never knows that how many stairs will be needed to get the clear picture so just move on and don't look back anyway.
Degree that I recommend
I would Recommend any Bachelor Degree minimum for any career option myself is Bsc. with combination of Economics, Statistic & Arithmetic but in the job hike market its not enough to compete with such small qualification,before doing Bachelor degree I did joined for BCA in Gujarati Assam at National P.G. College completed three semester there had to left that at it was not registered under MCRP Bhopal at that time so I did left that though have all the basic knowledge of Computer as I got Introductory Computer science at my Higher secondary level and at least three semester's knowledge,worked in Nokia India as a center manager in Nokia care Bongaigaon for four years so in the process got a vast IT touch with mobiles,internet and computer through practical process,I found its Practical which is more worthy than theory which gives Certificates,even heard that certificates are being sold in market if there is no error in connection and server not busy.
Influenced by
First of all its none other than my Mom whom I lost last year because of Brainstroke,she was the first and the foremost believer of me who always thought I can really bring something for the duo and make them believe that yes stars are really countable by some means and its me who had to discover this and fulfill the duty that you both bestowed on me,she was always by my side to support me every odds and even she taught me that both are necessary to make things workout in life,Today she is not by my side and I do miss her a lot but I really believe in myself that she was is and will always bless me to go forward and don't look back.Secondly it was Mr. Sachin Darji ex-ROM Nokia India Pvt. Ltd. northeast,he have a dashing personality and always helped and loved me in carriying out our works in corporate style while I was working in Nokia,he is presently in Vodafone in Mumbai Maharashtra,he is basically from Gujrat but was a Gadget.
More about myself
Have many things to Share 1ooo chars wont be enough to jot down everything I say to people just give me a chance, believe in me, help me to carry out,ask me where you have quiries I will explain it to you, suggest me if you have a better option than me I will surely appreciate it by cross examination and lets have patience together to get it finished because i am not only creating it for myself it will be for everyones protection and let us find all betterways to save our planet from disaster.
My family background
We were three brothers and one sister and I am the eldest one of those-
Father- he is on paralysed stage from last one an half year,second stroke,treatment continuation.
Mother- Lost my Mom last year 14/09/2012 due to Brain stroke,the only one whom I really miss a lot.
Big Brother Died 10 yrs ago due to some problems releted to kidney,his wife is with us with one son and one daughter.
my youngest Brother- He is mentally sick I just anyhow stacked him to carry out the works releted to my father and just to look after him.
Sister- Got Married earlier in 1990 her husband is from same profession of my father well setteled in west Bengal
and myself looking after my Father's foundation and looking after the whole family,3-4 staffs are working under mine supervision
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Its not well enough should take some real initiatives in certain areas,follow some rules of oxford university, and apart from theory some practical classes should be involved more from minimum standards,IT should get introduced earlier and real guidance should be undertaken to avoid spams not only students teachers should be taken in concern regarding dressing sense,infect lower the rate of books and answered books should be omitted as it lowers the rate of creativeness among the students.
Important lesson learned
Introduction- Myself Raju Paul S/O Sri Rajen Paul C/O Noboday Shilpa Kutir M.G. Road Bongaigaon (Assam) Pin.783380 which is one of the most renowned and Oldest Idol making shop with Liscence no. 01 under Bongaigaon Municipal cooperation and three stored building registered under Bongaigaon Development Office,and is a walking distance from Bongaigaon DC Office towards Bongaigaon Railway station and a permanent Resident of Bongaigaon Since Independance of India.
Now here comes the Main Point of View- Knowledge of Fundamental Rights as I belong to India so keeping warm welcomes of all other countries and paying all due Respects to all Nations Flags with Priority to our Flag Trianga tagging a warm salute to our Flag and with a 1 minute Mourn for all the freedom fighters who sacrificed their valuable lifes to make our country Independent.
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