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Advice Request
Rajkumar Bhatia
Rajkumar Bhatia

Rajkumar Bhatia

deputy branch manager



Rajkumar Bhatia is a member of:

Current Job description
Deputy Main Branch Manager of A Leading Bank in UAE,
Handling new territory
you may not call it a difficult task but a challenging, yes I do enjoy my work and loyal to my employer whict has given me an un expected growth and well settled life
Becoming good marketing professionals
yes indeed with a determition and hard work nothing is difficult
Developing a country
The Indians are known for their loyality and hard work, we though residing abroad but support are causes to help our country to become a developed country
Education system in India
Adopt an international standard
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
I believe in hardcore system rather than online sales process. In several instaces I have myself having difficulty in identifying the quality
Importance of brand image
it matters but not always, consumer sometime emphasize on cost rather than brand, If proven a successful product which convert its image and organization
Essential qualification required
University Graduate, MBA in marketing
Motivating team members
counselling, incentivise and support to improve their sales
Upcoming Trends
challenges, competetion
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
rapid growth financially and professionally
Essential skills
loyal, determine and working hard to achieve the goals
Effect of sales on an organization
the organixation are live from the sales, sales generate the profit and having large sums in increasing profit margin can push further for betterment of the organixation
My family background
I was born and brought up in DELHI, completed by schooling from Model Town Delhi, Under Graduate from Swami Shardhnand College, on 2nd Feb 1977 migrated to UAE since then residing with my two grown up boys, one is employed in the same organization and second is also a Banker. My spouse if house wife. My mother and other three brothers are residing in Model Town, We are well knit family residing in UAE
My advice to upcoming professionals
do not loose hope, the success will definately will come into your way
be hard working person and believe in GOD
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