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Advice Request
Rajesh Kumar Shukla
Rajesh Kumar Shukla

Rajesh Kumar Shukla

Transport professional


Important decision
I have always believed that there would be gain without risk. My most of decisions were full risk & challenges during whole career. During my employment with Associated Road Carriers Ltd at Hyderabad, I had to change my job to come back north India due to family problems. The new opportunity with V-Trans (I) Ltd was for Delhi NCR but the questions that I have to prove my performance there whereas I was a performer in existing Organization. The idea hit my mind that "If I stop performing in existing organization I may be thrown out & If I would perform in new company I may get more & better money & designation." I decided immediately & today I am Regional Manager fully satisfied with job & money.
Important lesson learned
Never look behind while you are at journey of your Career or life.
More about myself
Never stop thinking over the growth. Every destination you cover should be a start of new mile stone.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education system in India has become too costly. The need is to spread the knowledge that should reach up to poorer people. In present education system richer students are getting degrees. Poorer are still isolate part of literate society. The Government & the private universities must take this charge to remove the darkness of illiteracy.

Just like doctors of AIMS, our teachers must be committed to brighten the future of poor students. Reservation in admission & Jobs is not the solution of this problem.
My achievements
Apart from Good Job I have started my own business & achieved tremendous success within last 6 years. I am proud of my achievement.
My strongest skill
Just like magician I draw the attention of people to get the business.
My role model
My parents are only my Role Model. They were striving from poverty & being fully illiterate they always encouraged for study. The books, successful characters & my Parents only are my Role Model.
Ensuring success
I am always thinking about new ideas / new business developments in my professional field. I always thing that destination means starting of new milestone.
Brief description about me
I am 43 years young transport / logistics professional. Started my career with Associated Road Carriers Ltd as Stenographer & worked there for 11 years & took voluntary retirement from services from the post of Divisional Manager. Presently working with Credence Logistics Ltd (a multimodel Logistics company) as Regional Head - Northern India.
My family background
My parents were too poor earning lives on agriculture. I am in mid of 3 brothers & two sisters. Today, we all are well settled in Allahabad. I think God could not go everywhere this is why He has created parents. I think If my parents would be IMMORTAL like the GOD.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Hard works continuously & learn from past mistakes without repeating.
Degree that I recommend
Degree & certifications are basic need to start the career. But once we start with any Organization then need references only.
Influenced by
As mentioned earlier, I always read good books & take blessings of my parents. I always learn from books & characters given there. If being fully blind John Milton can write an epic like "ON HIS BLINDNESS", WILMA RUDOLF CAN WIN RACE AFTER BEING PARALYZED. Then nothing in world can be obstacle against your WILL POWER.
Couple of years from now
In couple of years I would like to be a established business man in my professional field.
Initiative to develop a country
The successful entrepreneurs must contribute some part of their earnings to uplift the lives in villages. The resources of education must be spread out in villages also. Once the down trodden are educated our India will ultimately be No.1 in the universe.
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