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Advice Request
Rajendra Naik
Rajendra Naik

Rajendra Naik


K. K. Technocrafts


Rajendra Naik is a member of:

Different from others
One is always on the edge when it comes to business intelligence. A wrong step could cost one dearly and at the same time a quick decision could land oneself in a very large order.Speed is the order of the day when it comes to business. One has to decide there and there as to what path one is taking.
Book and websites
Silicon India is one, IAPMO is another in my line of business.
New trend
We are on the lookout as to what is being asked for in the market and what is expected to be the requirement.

Sometimes, we decide what we are going to throw in
Important Decisions
1. To leave my job and start on my own
2. Choose a line which is offbeat but of great importance to one and all so that our market size is large enough to be sustainable for a long time
3. Deliver to the customer what he/she needs rather than try and sell what we have
Recommending Specialization
1. Customer requirement
2. Product Sustainability
3. After Sales Support
Measures to be taken
1. Reduce input costs
2. Reduce overheads
3. Complete project on time
Your Role
I am the owner of the firm
Describe your struggle of achieving success
Well I started the firm and therefore was at the top from day 1
Definition of BI
to me business intelligence means knowing the pulse of the market, what the market will accept,knowing the salient features of the competition's product and their level compared to our products
1. Always be truthful
2. Complete the job in time
3. Keep customer posted well in time if there is going to be any delay
4. Finish the job at one go. Do not keep work pending for small things. It shows lack of product knowledge and lack of planning
Comparison of current work from previous one
I am executing projects now and was doing the same earlier. The difference being that I am doing things my way and not dependent on any body else. As such the entire efficiency or the lack of it is attributed to me while earlier inefficiencies of all involved finally reflected on me as the team leader
Role of BI
BI is the core of any business activity. Without knowing what is going around you, one cannot function
Decision taken
1. Choose the product line I would deal in
2. Deal with reputed business houses for input goods
3. Never delay supplier's payments, Tax Forms etc
4. Deliver on time always
5. Never be late for an appointment
6. Be in touch with the customer even after the job has been completed and visit the customer whenever passing by
7. Never be shy in following up for payments
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