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Advice Request
Rajeev Shyam Lala
Rajeev Shyam Lala

Rajeev Shyam Lala

Media and Entertainment

EMI Music India


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Future trend
The paradigms have not changed; the focus in on reaching out to the customer with the right product mix. Online marketing is taking a lead to reach the consumer. Digital marketing is a key.
Future prospect
What can be achieved
No limits and no boundaries, you have to ensure that you have the pulse of the market and your activities result in getting the desired objectives ---all related to conversion to revenue.
Being able to have a clear line of thought to achieve the desired results and to be innovative - and a clear focus on short term and long term objectives - revenue as well as brand development.
Suggestions to aspirants
Be focused, persist and be true to your environment; your company, your customers. Be open to learning - cannot be a master if you feel you know all - there would be someone who shall nip you to it who is open to gaining knowledge. Let your customer lead you..
Importance of Marketing
The role is to identify the requirement of the client and to establish the right product mix, which involves content and packaging at the established price.
The role also envisages identification and profiling of clients and pitching to generate business. The evolution of business development and the key of relationship management.
Recommended Courses and Certification
Continuous learning process - keep building up on your core proficiency.
If you can manage to keep your learning process prolonged to get the best PG and so on, do so. But do not stop at that. Keep the learning process on.
Achieving Targets
Leadership skills and understanding are very important. Getting to the right mix is only derived with the interaction with the grass-root level. Design has to be based for an effective conversion. The sales team is an integral part of this planning and modification process.
Marketing is as layman a term and it is key for the successful execution of the product lifecycle. How do you reach your audience? Marketing.
Motivating Factor
Enjoying the work that you do - passion is the key.
The mindset for adaptability and finding a way to make things happen is the key. That's been the main driving force.
It is an ongoing interactive process. To have to let go of the setbacks and see what can be done to achieve the desired results. Never give up. Up's and Down's are a part of the business. Please accept failure as much as you celebrate success...
There is nothing like the daily news and the business dailies. Keep in touch with the market trends. These days you have technology on the move. You have apps. It is important to stay abreast to be networking and reaching out in any conversation.
Importance of 4ps
The 4 P's have added more meaning. Besides the traditional dimensions, the marketing team needs to address the internal customer -the sales team. The product needs to be marketed internally successfully for it to ensure success in the external environment.
Each and every stream holds equal importance and co-exist depending on each other. They are interdependent - some are frontline and the others are back-end. Each plays role.
Positioning the product
The dynamics of the market are changing rapidly with the advent of newer technologies. The consumption pattern is changing. Therefore the focus is mainly on the deployment of the content on hand with various platforms.
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