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Advice Request
Rajdeep D
Rajdeep D

Rajdeep D

SCM Consultant

HCL America Inc


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Challenges faced in job
Challenge are part of day to day life. For me challenge and difficult situations provide a refined way and makes you work smart. In a way it is helping to design and innovate better technology for future.
Current Trends
The current trend is parallel development in a distributed network which spreads from one corner of the world to another corner. I believe that, in few years of time, we can be equipped with such tools and technology that there would be no discrepancy and re-work.
Goals and Ambitions
I am working on new designs and innovating ideas. I will be working towards these ideas
My role model
My role model has been my father. An engineer by profession he chose to take risk in his career and opted to work as an Independent consultant. His honesty and dedication towards his work is really what motivates me. Never say die attitude perfectly fits on him.
Books recommended
I would refer people to understand the SDLC process, learn Unix, scripting and should go through the product manuals.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
This is very true. The issue is that, we are focused on providing services and solutions, there is no focus on product innovation. The motivation, funding, VC's are missing from the market. Even if you come with an innovative idea, there every possibility that you will be turned down. I strongly believe, Practice group of each company should carry Innovation drills every now and then seriously look into the ideas flowing in their own organization. One shouldn't get demotivated but keep on trying to promote their thoughts and ideas.
Making job easier
I am candid with my peers, I never shy to ask questions. I care about relationship that we build in our office and compliment my colleagues with appreciation. A joyous environment can lead to good work.
My important career decision
The most important will be to take additional responsibilities which were very different from each other. I think that has made my profile very unique and sort for the industry.
Company and job profile
Hi, I am Rajdeep Devnath, I am working as a Software Configuration Management professional with HCL America Inc.

HCL America was established in 1989 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. With more than 3,000 people across 21 offices in 15 states, HCL America contributed 55.9% of HCL's total worldwide Consulting and IT Services revenues and grew 34.2% YoY during the quarter ended June 2008.

My job profile includes build and release, administrating the SCM tools and work as a focal point for the offshore team.
Being different
The only thing which perhaps separate me from others is that, I have worked on the entire ecology of the business. Most people build their career in a single technology, whereas I have added technology, business development, Business standards and also product innovation
My achievement
I was awarded the value creator award from an esteemed Telecom client, got an award for a white paper on "Cost Optimization", One of my ideas have been recommended for a prototype.
My advice
I would say that when you start your job, we must be open to learn whatever comes in our way. Somethings may look silly or not worthy but the experience will help in future. Never say that you can't do, rather try and fail, at least the experience will help you to understand the weak side of your knowledge.
Managing professional as well as personal life
I have a simple policy. Office never comes to home, home never goes to office.
My strongest Skill
I feel, I have a deep understanding of the Information security domain, Configuration Management and VAS domain.
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