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Advice Request
Raja Lin Gam
Raja Lin Gam

Raja Lin Gam


Educomp solutions,pvt ltd

Family Background
Myself Rajalingam, father occupation factory supervisor,mother housewife,one elder sister got married,upper middle class family....
Most influenced factor
I trust only my knowledge & experiance...
Challenges facing by students
Competitors,bcoz they try to show their talents and performance from the others....
Most flourishing college experience
Cht with frns,little little fights, then compromised, celebrated birthday perties in mid nights in center of roads,competetions,seminars,paper presentations,symposiums, lot of girl frnds, impress,ing others,highlighting talks IV programs,its very helpfull to understand my frns and get together....
View s for better India
Now a days social networks are very usefull to communicate each other,so this way to increase ththe participations of students in the developement of nations ,and will create the interests...
Spare time activities
Chatting,drawing,and gaming...
First Job Expectation
Skill,Will, & Self confidence..
Time Management
Work ,frnds,family....
Most proud accomplishment
For my innovative and problem solving solutions...
Favorite subject
Computer science, its lyk an Ocean , Am try to learn swimming,to reach the shore...
About Myself
Bold ,innovative, quick learner...
Additional information
Now a dayz unemployment is the major problem for engineers, because of more competitions for a single pos
My uniqueness
Career Expectations
IT sectors only will leads to move our nations to became a first place in the world.
Favorite Books and Articles
Pls indha book a padikathinga...
Author: Gobinath
Reason : Respect all kind of human beings
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