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Ask Rahul Agrawall for Advice
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Advice Request
Rahul Agrawall
Rahul Agrawall

Rahul Agrawall

Performance Engineer


Brief description about me
When I was 14 years old I had a pass Ion of becoming a software engineer, Here I am , B.E. (Comp SC), 2008 graduate from KIIT university ,Odisha . I work as a Performance Engineer for Tata Consultancy Services serving a Retail client In Schaumburg, Illinois, US . I started my professional carrier with the company  and it has been around 4.5 yrs. of my association and still on. I have lead a team of 8-10 resource.Apart from my professional life ,I like listening to music ,lately spirituality has been a part of me, i connect to my inner self and my thought process through Shree Bhagavad Gita and Gautama Buddha quotes inspire me too. I search peace and self-connect and serenity in these .

Challenges in job
I believe in my karma that gives me the strength to overcome day-to-day professional challenges. The focus should be on the priorities ,i just prioritize things and the time I  need to invest on it then work on it accordingly, time management follows automatically.

Job made easy
Either it’s your job or your personal life, the real challenge is people, if you understand how to tackle whom in the best way ,most of the challenge is gone .The only thing i figure out from a tuff day is have patience ,it is the best way to overcome it ,then life is much easier the next time.

Job made easy
Either it’s your job or your personal life, the real challenge is people, if you understand how to tackle whom in the best way ,most of the challenge is gone .The only thing i figure out from a tuff day is have patience ,it is the best way to overcome it ,then life is much easier the next time.

Upcoming Trends
 I believe 'Big Data' and 'Hardware Manufacturing’ is the next big thing for the IT industry ,although there is still more scope for reducing the gap between on-shore and off-shore model of Indian IT industry. I am not a CEO or VP of any company to reflect this ,but having done the ground work ,i believe these things will determine the future of Indian IT industry.I firmly believe that the Govt. of India should have a law governing the IT/ITES sector in India ,as it is one of the largest sector increasing at around 20% annually keeping in mind the increase in number of disputes between companies and employees in the recent past and the growing number of startups in this arena, so it’s quite important to make sure we have a law governing the min. wages and work hours etc.
My point of view
i have already mentioned earlier, the real thing that drives a person is it's passion and his goals .But i see most of the engineers which pass out from India goal to work on for some company and settle down in US .So there is no room of innovation in the country as they work for some US based company or an Indian based service company .The Indian MNCs are slowly promoting innovations and funding them and the slowly understanding the importance of it ,so some policy reforms also will add to the productivity and creativity in this field.Being a developing country ,it’s not that easy to have all the necessary infrastructure/investments to attract innovations ,but things are turning for good.

My goals
In 5 years’ time ,I see myself progressing in Performance Engineering , learning new skills and expertise them.I find work extremely interesting and motivating .I can see many challenges lying ahead of me, which I am eager to experience and therefore ,I am willing to invest my 5 years’ time learning all aspects of the job towards professional advancement.

Family background
I was born and brought up in a upper middle class family with a Business Background in Puri, Odisha. Being from a business background my parents and many of my relatives didn’t have much of an outlook on higher studies ,so there was not much of guidance on my higher studies from their side .This actually helped me know and understand things on my own and figure out what i really wanted from life. The matter of fact is even not having that much of an insight on Engineering ,my parents supported me with my Education and gave me a very healthy upbringing.Being from a self-employed background and the only son to my father(who is the only son to his) my grandparents wanted me to run their family business ,and my training started once i completed my school. At the age of 15,i started working with my family in their business to understand it more as i grow until i realized that i wanted to become Engineer. My Grandfather (Shri Madanlal Agrawalla) was and still is my idol ,as he was practical and a very successful man and more importantly a self-made man.I grew up listening to my grandparents tough times stories and the will to live up to their expectations ,being an obedient son/grandson.

Advice to professionals
Rolling back a little bit, Before even starting to study , a person should understand what he/she actually want to do in their life, their passion is more important .The way Indian culture is built up people decide more on other people's choices than their own So if a person is passionate enough to work on a certain thing ,he will deliver its best ,I don't feel any advice is required there for such people, they will find their own way to excel.But coming to the other category ,as there a lot many here ,i believe they should list down their short term(next 6 months) and long term goals (next 3-4 yrs.) keeping in mind their job as first priority.This will help them keep their focus more on where they are heading to and not simply to earn a few bucks as they are yet to come out of the college hangover.When i started with my career, I used to listen and understand to colleagues and their experiences and when I moved ahead learning from my mistakes .

Advice to students
I would say strive for excellence and success will follow .in my engg. life, people paid more importance to grades than to the actual studies. Engg academics is such ,here people read  just before exams and go through all the pain in the last moment .I preferred to have enjoyed every part of the student life and take part in extracurricular activities as there is so much scope in there to excel in every field today ,rather than just chase for marks and competition between each other.I personally have experienced that grades doesn’t really matter at all, only the knowledge and the capability you have does.

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