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Advice Request
Raghav Tripathi
Raghav Tripathi

Raghav Tripathi

Assistant Professor at Kamla Nehru Group of Institutions, Sultanpur

Kamla Nehru Group of Institutions, Sultanpur

Initiative to develop a country
The main problem behind India being a developing country is " Blaming Nature of us". We feel of duty delivery by blaming others for any problem. Professionals may do one thing that they should spread that society is made of individual persons so an individual is equally responsible for any problem than the person he/she is blaming.This in my opinion may solve lot many problems.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
"Leadership is an action rather a position". So by our act as a team member we can be the leader of that group rather we try to take a position of a leader it is better to behave as a leader.
My achievements
Still working for developing an Indian Philosophy of Management.
Influenced by
My elder brother who is now in my memories because he has given me the basic philosophy to live a happy life that if you are in melancholy look at people who are deprived and when you are in illusion just look at the people whom you aim for being successful as them.
Brief description about me
An Electronics graduate and management postgraduate I have started my career as Sales Officer i Muller & Phipps (I)Ltd. in 2008 and then as ASE at Joy Cosmetics to get practical knowledge of principles of management. From 2010 till now I am teaching management subjects to engineering students where I am sharing my knowledge and practical exposure with them.
Couple of years from now
A known person in the field of Managerial Research.
My family background
My father is a retired employee of Birla Group and mother is a true homemaker. My elder brother has met with an accident in late 2000 and left a all time caring and loving daughter for me, currently she is pursuing her bachlors in science.I have got married in 2011 and now having a son as a living proof of our happy married life.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
We need to come out from the orthodox system of education currently following where student don't even know the practical uses of the principles he/she is studying. He/She must be told about the uses of those principles while teaching those that will create interest.
My role model
Swami Vivekanand why its so is unable to explain.
My strongest skill
Motivation skill for students that enables me to relate them mentally in my lectures.
Ensuring success
Continuous study of new developments in society as well as in the field of management.
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