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Advice Request
Radhika Malik
Radhika Malik

Radhika Malik


ESDS Software Solution Pvt. Ltd.


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Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
In the whole new revamped HR Systems, don't forget HR's most important/critical role - being 24/7 available for your employees.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
confused on the question statement!
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
Contrary to popular belief that people are mainly attracted to good salaries, we firmly belief that people are more attracted to good roles. So for us to attract good people, we should offer them good work and good working culture. As long as these two are maintained, retaining talent is not difficult at all.
HR Strategies In Place
The key HR strategy at ESDS is, to focus on skill development and motivation of employees. An highly motivated employee works very passionately when his/her key skills are continuously horned and he/she sees a growth path for themselves.
Leadership Programs in Place:
In the ever changing business scenarios, leadership development programs cannot be once a year activity, it has to be an ongoing activity. We at ESDS conduct a leadership profiling study to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our Leaders. Using this profiling study we groom the leaders for their roles and make them more effective.
Pain Points:
The biggest pain point for HR is attrition! Its really painful to see a well trained resource go in the forever growing job market.
Parting Thoughts
HR is a noble function, but its fading out as more and more HR professionals i meet these days are more of Management Studies talks and less of real life examples. HR is a function which has the capacity to lead and inspire an organization into a highly productive environment, which again will only happen if we focus more on employees and a little less on systems.
Improving Education system
The education system in India has become more of business these days. Gone are the days when teachers used to inspire students to acquire more and more skills to be able to have an edge against others, nowadays they teach students tricks to manipulate through interview process and just get placed by hook or crook. Also most of the courses offered are more theoretical and less practical and hold very less value in the Corporate world. Its high time Corporate and Educators come together and try to bridge the gap between the two functions which are running parallely at this moment.
Helping to develop the country
Professionals need to first have a very strong urge to do something for the society. The youth nowadays would spend 50k on an i-phone in a jiffy but wont even contribute a penny for betterment of society. Its very important for them to realize that, don't wait for change to happen instead become 'The Change'. If all professionals across the country take a vow to educate at least one person, things will change drastically in our country as education leads to prosperity.
How Do You Recruit & Retain the diverse and ambitious Generation Y. Are they Really Ambitious?
The Gen Y is mainly ambitious about only one thing - less pain and more gain, hence you see more of what we HR professionals call 'Job Hoppers' these days. To retain them you have to constantly challenge them with different work and also keep them motivated with rewards.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
The most important factor for us apart from domain knowledge is the passion to learn new things. If a candidate has the ability to constantly challenge him/herself and explore new things - he/she is an ideal candidate for us!
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Two most important qualities for a person to make a successful leader are - ability to solve problems and people management skills. Hence we are constantly in lookout for such employees. Once identified we start mentoring them for leadership roles.
Current HR Trends:
One trend you will see in HR these days is that 'Exit is just a comma, not a full stop'. In earlier times, when an employee left an organization you would very rarely see him leaving at good terms with all peers, managers etc. Now the trend has changed, employees leaving the organization are acting like alumini's, they remain in touch with past employer, explore horizons and keep the options of coming back open whenever a lucrative offer comes.
Recommended Reading
HR Challenges:
Most important challenge is probably to keep yourself upto speed about the current trends. Businesses are growing so fast that what may be right today might become obsolete tomorrow.
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