
Ms Aru Mahajan

Ms Aru Mahajan
bachelor of technology
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics & Communication E...

Ms Aru Mahajan ’s experience

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Ms Aru Mahajan ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics & Communication...],

Ms Aru Mahajan ’s additional information

work for getting the knowledge of the new technology in my core field i.e. electronics & communication rather easily get the other work easily learned by me.
Awards and achievements:
1.Rewarded as BEST STUDENT (all rounder) in SRS Govt. Polytechnic for girls, Ludhiana. 2.Second Topper in the state (Punjab) in 3rd year(Diploma) 3.Winner of 1st prize in Tech-Fest (Project on Optical Fibre Communication & Links)
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