
Shiva Harshvardhan Chaturvedi

Shiva Harshvardhan Chaturvedi
IT Professional

About Shiva Harshvardhan Chaturvedi

I am an IT professional, and also like Graphic Design and Animation.I like to write, and read a lot and I enjoy travelling and natural landscapes.I enjoy the company of a few selected friends and i care for them very much.I am imaginative, sentimental and humorous and like to see people laugh.

Shiva Harshvardhan Chaturvedi ’s experience

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Shiva Harshvardhan Chaturvedi ’s education


Shiva Harshvardhan Chaturvedi ’s additional information

I like to read a lot. Mostly Science fictions and self growth books. I surf the web for information on new technologies and also to chat and social networking. I write articles and poems as a hobby and also like to do a bit of graphic design and image processing.
Awards and achievements:
I like astronomy and have attended many workshops on that successfully. I am a good debater and and avid writer.
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