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Advice Request
Praveen Singh
Praveen Singh

Praveen Singh

Currently looking for good opportunities

Mphasis an HP company


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Basically from UP(Buland Shahar),born & brought up in Bangalore. A nuclear family with moderate values. Given the financial & educationally handicapped family, I am the only member to have graduated and part of the corporate world through alternate parallel income to support my education.
Growth Strategy:
Growth & develpmnt of a leader is nt always limited to his/her assoction wth any orgnztion/role or designation.I see this as a personal respnsblty,to keep learning,evolving wth every passing day,thrgh learning from everythn tht happens around us. Media,professnl & persnl contcts provde engh insghts.
Other Thoughts:
I believe leadership or success in Corporate world is nt an obligation,it rather is a way of life & who u are as a persn.A true leader's traits,thought process & evry quality that makes a leader goes beyond the cabin,goes beyond the Organisation.It goes whrever u do.It lives with you.thrgh your life
The Decisions That Matter
Career choices accrdng to me is smthing to comes as a result of wht & who u are. Career opprtntes to me are by prdcts of ur effrts u put in every single day, with just one intntion or goal in mind" Do ur best & get the best out of your people".Evry day I go to work is an imprtnt career decsn I make.
Job Profile:
Currently I am lookng for good opportunities. But have played the role of a People leader who influences performance improvemnts, with utmost focus on change management(mindset,performance improvement strategy,process improvement & re engineering). Mainly a People,process & performance Manager.
Advice For New Professionals:
Live wth one goal in mind" Learn,Improve & Excel".Chase ths goal.Never prioritize monitry/financial goals as they may distract u frm ur prmary goal.Be sure that rewards alwys fllow effrts,if put in hnestly & persistntly. Mke urslf contagious arnd u.U wll see a great team & a grt Orgntn,whrevr u are.
Role Model:
Evry friend, colleague & a family member in my life influence,inspire & encourage me in mre ways thn one.My experience confrms tht evry person in ur life teaches u a thing or two(if you choose to learn).I am a prduct of everyne I have lived,known & worked with in my life.I am gratful to all ths ppl.
The Journey So Far:
As a fresher,A doer at the bottom of the corporate pyramid(call taking agent) to part of a decision mking sr managmnt role, it's been quite a journey. From a entry level job 10+ yrs ago to an Asst.Gen.Mgr,I am a transformed corporate resource with rich exprnce,skill,knwldge,ethics & passion to excel
Prized Accomplishment(s):
from whre I ws to what I am today, I am yet to see a moment of pride,bt yes, I am vry hppy wth wht I hve bcome today. A man of wrd,passion & a sense of accmplishmnt. Happy that I hve been able to deliver & lve upto the expctations of my cstomrs & stake holders. Happy tht I hve bcome a people leader.
Career Profile:
Currently I am looking for good career opportunities.
Plans For The Future:
A strong,honest & a out & out people leader who can prove to the corporate world that a good Leader is a back bone of a Good company(role, designation & brand do not really matter or are seen as achievement). I see myself as a person who can influence,convince & is trusted by one & all in the Orgntn
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Thr is a paradigm shift in the prfssnal envrnmnt frm whn I joined to wht it is today.Emplyees are focused on shrt term & persnl goals & smewhre fail to identfy themselves with the Compny's vision,goals & culture.Loyalty has slipped frm the top of the list to sumhwere low whle money & desgntns rule.
Done Differently:
Nothing, except would have started working & improving my communication & People skills much stronger than what I had when I started.
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