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Advice Request
Prakash Bhosale
Prakash Bhosale

Prakash Bhosale

CEO - eBranding India Technologies

ebranding IT


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Current Job description
Being founder & owners of firm , now my role is 360 degree , marketing , operations, pr even looking in accounts & finance . Observing each and every thing and manage in such a way that my company should not face any problem and should keep growing with decide speed.
Ensuring Growth
1.Creating & shaping 2nd line of people to manage various responsibilities.
2. Maintaining Network with other leaders & sharing tools , tactics with each other to keep leading and growing .
3.I keep Learning more & more everyday with in my domain & outside as well.
Taking Important career decision
1. Leaving teachers job & joining sales & marketing job was most important decisions ( why - I cam out of fixed bracket & could sow big pitcher of industry )

2. With in industry I switched to online marketing ( why - It is fastest growing service industry , i can do business with out boundaries with laptop & one mobile phone , in this domain i can control people even they are not in-front of me )

3. I decided to leave job & accepted entrepreneurship ( why - now i can do what i have in my mind & dreams )
My advice
My advice will be as friend
1. Keep lowest possible overheads
2. Use maximum outsourcing business model .
3. Be very very good at networking with in your industry , outside industry & outside your geography .
4. Try to enjoy every business day with keeping aim in mind.
5. keep business target every day for yourself then for people.
6. Read reality , learn from real experiences than from books & seminars. ( books & seminars are like films, like the hero who acts as bodyguard in film who keeps 4 bodyguards to insure his security in real life )
Essential skills required for leaders
I feel essential skills required for any business leadership would be

1. sixth sense to judge people 2. need magnet with in to hold people 3. to know technology how it works for business 4. vision 5. network of people , sources with in our & others domain of industry 6. ability of research , development & innovations in thinking 7 . fast adaptability of people & technology 9. ability to sustain & work in problems with out affecting quality of performance 10. thinking at micro level in terms of finance .

Handling Grievances
Grievances happens when mistakes happens in allotting work & responsibility . There are ways to handle grievance which i follow

1. I give quick attention & acknowledge it asap 2. I go to root of problem so that i can resolve now but will have solution in place if hap-pence same further. 3. I do not blame any one for grievance 4. takes a call even though it is not 100% correct .
Balancing personal and professional life
Hear networking will help a lot , I do meet lots of people who has done mistakes and faced problems, which I can make a note in mind . Always I do start small with any product /project/people so that even mistake happens we will suffer less & we will have scope for corrections. Cross checking every decision with check points ( check points 1. own 2. family 3. close business friend 4. knowledge sources ) . Check points may not be applicable for all small & big decisions but you can decide bench mark where to apply check points ( eg. I use check points for decision where Rs.1 lack and above commercial involved )
More about me
After completion of MBA in marketing & Finance started career as professor of marketing for few months and moved to Mumbai passion to do something in online marketing & educational entrepreneurship. First started working with leading B2B portal and helped hundreds of SME’s to rake their website on Google with 1000’s of keywords, after that kept working with few other web portals and with Google adwords for three years but ambition of starting on own could not allowed me to keep working with Google as well, finally after leaving Google Adwords, e-Branding India Technologies has took birth in 2009. Apart from leading e-Branding India, I also work as project & PhD guide for MBA students of IGNOU, Mumbai , Pune , UK,US etc Universities with team of 9 professors. I am also a Certified Google Adwords Professional by Google Inc.

I live at Miraroad (east) & my office is at Goregaon (east) in Mumbai city of Republic of India & Dalls TX USA. I also visit Pune 2 times a month . I can meet clients at my Goregaon office for e-marketing, SEO,SEM,SMO & business consultancy from Monday to Friday. I can meet students on Saturday and Sunday at Miraoard (east). All meetings will prior to appointment only. For US & UK Students and clients I am available on Skype ( ID- ebrandingindia )
Influenced by
Few incidents are most influenced in my life than any person .

I remember my first unknowing business action in schooling days, At my town there where exams where going on & school made it must to use colored paper for craft& painting paper which was caring 100 marks. There where only 2 school stationery shops who were not aware of it . I realized that on the day of exam every student is going to buy color paper . so i purchased white xerox papers & manually colored it by dipping in bucket of colored water & colored paper where ready 2nd day for sell. that time cost of one white xerox parer was 20 paisa + cost of color 5 paisa but I sold one color paper @ Rs.2 each so there was 8 times profit , i sold 800 papers during exam time , my total profit was Rs.1200 in 2 days which was very big amount for me being 9th std student , even my pocket money was not more than Rs.50/-

What I learned is identifying opportunity is first step of any successful business .

While working with various companies when ever I found opportunity I use to make money out of such opportunity . I would have visited more than 1000+ business owners while working as sales & marketing representatives of companies . I always preferably maintained relationship with clients than companies for whom I was working for . Because I know I may change company , company can change product or company may replace me but people in market & clients are going to be remain same. That network & relationship is helping me a lot than capital , tech skills , infrastructure than anything .
Family background
I am son of retired soldier for Indian Army ,mother is a home maker , wife is partner in my company , she takes care of account & finance . I am father of 9 year old daughter & 2 year old sun.
My views on India Technical development
I think we have technical talent in country , where in IIT , IIM ??? Yes , see their placement ...package race is going on & most of them are joining MNC . How may of them are joining in R&D with Indian companies ?? Brain drain happening ??? No non or very few ( because Indian companies can not afford package race ) . I think motivating entrepreneurs can make remarkable change. What we have in our country 1. lots of entrepreneurs 2. lots of ideas
What we don't have 1. proper guidance 2. faith on entrepreneurship . 3. no govt policy
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