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Advice Request
Perry Chandrasekar
Perry Chandrasekar

Perry Chandrasekar


Bank of Montreal

My achievements
While in India, at IFCI, I have done numerous project appraisal and visited numerous companies for project implementation and operations. On deposit mobilization front, travelled extensively in India and made corporate presentations and made the event a grand success.

Landed in Canada as a green person with Permanent residency status, worked hard and passed several courses and designations. I am involved in community developments actively and volunteer for several charitable works, religious occasions. I am conferred "Seva Ratnam" award by one of the Hindu temples for serving them. I enjoy much singing the hymns of "Tiruppugazh" bajan songs. I am a disciple of Guruji Raghavan.
My strongest skill
Strong in Accounting, Project Management, Trading, Investment Advice and Business Development and Sales. I have studied Projects in several industries. Delivered lectures in Finance and Projects Management in Management Development Institute, Gurgaon numerous times. In Canada, I taught on Canadian Securities Industry to Managers in Royal Bank of Canada. I am a cruise winner in Royal Bank in the year 2006 for achieving highest sales.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education System in India is great and globally respected. Only because the System is too good, USA is always after India for hiring their manpower. The quality of education should be maintained without further dilution through political pressures. We should assure our children lucrative job opportunities within India and prevent brain drain. Moral Education and Patriotism have to form part of education till University level. India is great country but for ramphant corruption. Only future generation can eradicate it. All subjects should be Applied rather than Pure, like Applied Physics, Applied Maths, Carpentry, Electrician, Construction Technology and so on have to be included right from Grade 7. Our children are brilliant and dedicated, but do not have the light in the tunnel. Legal system should be strengthened. Children leaving India to other country for livelihood should make a lumpsum of atleast Rs.500,000 before leaving.
Couple of years from now
I am fully accomplished. I achieved all that I want in my life. I am awaiting to retire by 60 or 65. I love to remain healthy and active. I love my family. I envision building a million dollar home before retirement and pray I should construct a Block of building for Amar Seva Sangam for housing mentally and physically challenged children in India at Tirunelveli (Aykudi). I visited several parts of world and love adventures. I have done sky diving, para-gliding and many dreadful sports and would continue indulging in them and enjoy life.
Brief description about me
I am an Investment Consultant working for Bank of Montreal since 6 years. Prior to this I served Royal Bank of Canada Investment Brokerage for 5 years. I am in the Investment Industry of North America since 11 years and am responsible for trading, investment services, service to clients with questions of matters like Retirement Planning, Tax Planning and Wealth Management. I have earned Fellow of Canadian Securities Institute(FCSI) and Chartered Investment Management (CIM) designations in Canada and a Gold Medalist in MBA from Mysore University, India. Back home, served IFCI Limited for 21 years and retired as Manager(Training) from there. At 55 years, I enjoy yoga, meditation, weight lifting and have a beautiful full fledged gym at home. I spend at least 2 hours in my gym each day with weight lifting, treadmill and elliptical with yoga exercises in the morning. I love my wife, daughter and grandson. I have adopted son at Amar Seva Sangam, India. I love my life and enjoy charity.
Important lesson learned
First lesson, think twice before you speak. Majority of time, the content of what is spoken is shadowed by personal feelings.

Selection of a friend is the most difficult thing. I never succeeded until now because all have chopped me in my back. Lesson learnt is, be vigilant always and don't even believe your own shadow.
Contentment is the greatest secret of my life. The race for things, cars, homes, career, pleasures, vacations...keeps always going and unable to rest a while until I realize that putting a full stop for the race is important.
Influenced by
Robert Schuller forhis writing, Sivaji Ganesan and Kamal Hassan for their action, SPB and Jesudoss for their voice and my Primary School Teacher, Vinayakam for hard work and my Mother for Love.
My family background
I born in Bhopal, studied in Chennai (Kunrathur) and moved to Bangalore for a job in 1980. My father was a teacher and my mother was a home maker. I had a younger brother and a younger sister. My younger brother, Sridhar, has moved to Abu Dhabi immediately after marriage. My sister lives in Chennai with her husband and son. I love my brother and sister. I lost my mother five year back. Now my father lives in Chennai. My daughter, son-in-law and grand son live about 50 kms from me in Canada. I was too much career minded and succeeded all through. I met my wife in Bangalore and we got love married and we love each other still as before. We both have same taste for every thing. We love travelling.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
He should be a people's person, good at communication. Must be good in role transition, coaching, target oriented, should be charismatic.
Important decision
My career, my settlement in Canada, my choosing my life partner and my investments. All these were my most important successful decisions that I have ever made. When I came out of college, I found job in three places, Indian Railways, Staff Selection Commission and IFCI. I chose IFCI for challenges. I chose the right one and enjoyed through out my career. Still I love my job in India and miss India.
More about myself
Black money should be uprooted in India. People may have cars on one side, still beggars are in same number on streets. Value for humans in India is missing. Retired people are not secure in India. Medical field has turned to be a day time robbery in India. Difference between police and thieves is not much. Ragging and eve teasing are rampant. Vulgarity, alcoholism, women abuse, immoral sex and corruption are at highest levels. If all NRIs join together bring a real "Sivaji" to India to make it a conducive place to live. I love to live in India, not visit India.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals can deposit their savings in Banks in India, build industries, take control of domestic industries. What is the need for Macdonald and Walmart in India. Don't we have local soft drinks, why Coca Cola, Buskin Robbins ice cream. We should work closely with Government and redefine the concept of Manmohan Singh's Liberalization. First Manmohan Singh should be fired. We don't want vegetables to run the country. Young IIT grads, IIM grads, young professionals should be given percentage in ministry and eliminate rowdies from becoming Ministers. NRIs have money. Politicians are boot lickers for money. We should capitalize this situation and alleviate poverty, focus on self esteem and self sufficiency. With 9 perennial rivers, we have draught and famine. Except Uranium we have every metals and minerals. We don't need Uranium. We need peace. We will work for it.
Ensuring success
I am developed. To reach my goals, I save and invest, I sweat and work out, I pray and meditate, I do charities and do volunteering wherever required. I love my life.
Degree that I recommend
Nothing at present.
My role model
Baba Ramdev is a great role model. He works 18 hours a day but he is a saint. He works for others. He alleviates ailments. He is a Yoga Guru, a doctor and a Philanthropist. The magnitude of his service can be seen at Haridwar.

Abdul Kalam is a great model one can follow. He had wonderful dreams about India and speaks to everyone about it.
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