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Advice Request
Omkar Satish Patki
Omkar Satish Patki

Omkar Satish Patki

Technical Analyst For Equity,Deriva...

S S Dhamankar

Role Model:
I am inspired by Mr.Sudarshan Sukhani the Technical Analyst in stock market.Reason his analytical skills are the best.His calculations and recommendations are pretty good.
Family Background
I was born in Pune a well known town in Maharashtra India.I am having a background of middle class family.My grandfather was a successful CA.My father got retired from IDBI Bank.My Mother is House wife.My uncle is an Engineer and he carries his own business.
My wife runs a small Garment shop.We are happy married couple blessed with one charming Son
Involvement in the Industry
I was very passionate about Stock Market since my childhood.I am studying hard to learn the stock market even now.
I got the required certifications prescribed by stock Exchanges.
I am studying daily very hard to master my Technical Analysis skills because it hepls our clients to make money in Stock Market
Professional Strengths:
Being a Technical Analyst I can pick up trends very early and make recommendations based on that.Our clients gets benefit.
Job Profile:
I am A Technical Analyst For Equity,Derivatives,Commodities.Daily I pick some stocks/commodities and recommend to our clients.On my recommendations clients make their decisions for their investments in stock/commodity market.Day Trading is not my style.
Career Profile:
I have to recommend stocks/commodities to clients daily.I execute trade on behalf of my clients.I manage their portfolio.I look after pay in pay out of delivery of shares and payments.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I am proud of being a technical Analyst of Equity,Derivatives,Commodities.
Advice For New Professionals:
Always be Honest and Work Smart.
Degrees That Matter:
Experience is the best degree I recommend.NISM certification is compulsory.
Growth Strategy:
I always study hard.I am always open to learn new skills in Technical Analysis.
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