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Advice Request
Nishant Thakur
Nishant Thakur

Nishant Thakur

Sales Account Manager - South

scc online


Nishant Thakur is a member of:

Family Background
My father is an engineer in Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department, Mom is a teacher turned politician and currently serving as the Mayor of the municipal body, sister is a scientist and married and her husband is a computer engineer. I come from a very respectable family of doctors and vaids.
Contribution to the field
Wolters Kluwers is one of the top publishers in the world. it caters to the needs of tax practitioners worldwide. It has a wide range of products for professions working in the field of international and domestic taxes and trade. The best thing is that the we provide solutions for all their needs.
Importance of Marketing
I am taking care of southern region of india, & i am the office for the region as i am a resident manager, i cater the needs of my existing and prospective customers and i am also taking care of sales channels for my company. I am responsible for the region & thus have a very important role to play.
Brief yourself
I am academically Masters in Life sciences and Management. I have been a basketball player at national level and was into various extra curricular activities too. i have been a performer in all the companies i have worked in and i have been accredited for my contribution is work and other fields.
Branding according to me is very important as i feel that a brand is the identity or face of an organisation and if that is not taken care properly the actual penetration of the market is not possible, in this competitive world. Branding, being the face will help an organisation attract the users.
Recommended Courses and Certification
Corporate sector is very disciplined & requires substance, so according to me, a person in marketing should be able to sell its idea in first instance, so it should speak a lot about the brand & culture of the organisation. So impressive writing & visual selection & relationship building is required
What can be achieved
I feel there is no limit to a marketing person in the corporate world. if you can thing big and different and that too creative, sky is the limit.
Motivation can be a emotional support but more beneficial is when we are there with answers to the situation and concerns of the team. It becomes great when i provide them some more insight about the need and requirements and appreciate them for small achievements, boosting their morale.
Growth Prospect in marketing
For climbing the ladder of success in marketing is not difficult if a person knows his strengths & the requirements of the client or the job. The better a marketing person can sell the idea to the customer. & i feel marketing can give the best chance to face success quickly as comparison to others
Importance of On line marketing
Online marketing is the future of marketing as now a days when the time is biggest constraint, and online shopping culture is on the rise, it offers the best possibilities for the company to excel its sales.
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