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Advice Request
Nilendu Guha
Nilendu Guha

Nilendu Guha

Manager Marketing and Brand Comunication

Adservice Ltd


Nilendu Guha is a member of:

Family Background
Married, living with my Ripa and Noireet (3 yrs) in kolkata. One sister working in TATA as a legal professional. My father was a civil engineer, mother was a perfect homemaker...
Contribution to the field
Its a basically outdoor organization now turened up to an agency with all arenas of ATL and BTL activities, have given me all the opportunity to use all the marketing tools. And in return i have given more than 33% percent growth and also a lilited company.First interactive website in ooh industry
Markting is the all the colors of rainbow and selling is one of the color of this rainbow.
Importance of STP
Always important because usp of a products starts from here itself
Helping them making new planning and convert them as useful talent
Importance of sales
yes without that no organization can sustain
What can be achieved
Its totally depend upon the organization and also the budget of the organization
Mostly sales figure and the collection against last year to this year (month to month)
Importance of On line marketing
Its the most important as people are using business phone, mobile phone, Tab and laptops in their every step of life and infact we are getting big success when we are using the same
It depends how you want to see it in your eyes and with your competitors
Future trend
Digital marketing (professional and social networking)
Motivating Factor
Challenge of New techlogy and the new portfolio
Brief yourself
Seasoned professional with 16 years of work experiance in executing various Retail and BTL Startagies for various brands in multiple domains.
I especially would like to point out at this time that I am a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the renowned Indira Gandhi Open University
Growth Prospect in marketing
Its all about the goal and planning by the person and the brand he is handling with
Importance of 4ps
As a matter of fact you need to make your own marketing plan with all this 4ps
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