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Advice Request
Navneet Mohta
Navneet Mohta

Navneet Mohta

Senior SQA

GalaxE.Solutions India Pvt Ltd


Navneet Mohta is a member of:

Work Accomplishments
1) When I had an experience of around 2+ years I was given a focus project for CMMI L3 appraisal. That was a big responsibility.
2) Becoming a part of CMMI l5 Core implementation team was not less than an accomplishment as not all SQA in my team were given a chance to work for the same
Boss Qualities
He should inspire you without bragging about himself, if he has caliber we will be inspired. A boss should be a critic but not a always finding mistake…..As said only a if you can help someone then you can criticize them. A boss should try to understand that he was also a subordinate at times
Role Comparison
Currently I am working in GalaxE Solutions, ITPL Whitefeild.I am a Senior Process Engineer. My organization is a service based company catering to Fortune 100 clients for many years.
Growing Strategy
In order to make sure that I don’t miss the updates I try to look as various websites, if possible try to attend seminars. I discuss the SQA stuff with my frnds working in different companies…
Also I have taking up CSQA certification this year and plans for higher studies (Post Graduate).
That if I do best one day I will be the best. As you Sow, so you reap. I am very ambitious so if I am not best how can someone bet on me. People bet on the horse who is excellent
Professional Advice
Look forward then routine work, after some years that is what will make u different from a junior tester having same testing competency. As an SQA look at the fundamentals rather than just following a process and asking people to do that
Parting thoughts
I am a grass rooted person, have survived on a daily budget of 70 rupees in Bangalore in 2007 when I was looking for a job. I hardly had 9000 and I need to survive 3 months. I don’t know many fancy words but will say people who struggle u can see the confidence in their eyes
Reference and Sharing
Difficulties at initial Stage
When we start our career we have to prove ourselves and give a confidence to the manager that even though we don’t have experience. I use to read a lot take help of my seniors if we need help need to put extra hours. Intense reading of the subject gives you a confidence when u asks questions.
Dream Job
Not clear about it, but yes where I can take decision and make a significance difference in the company
Position Preference
I am ok with any position, it hardly matters till date at times I even don’t mind troubleshooting a system and doing a admin work. The moral is we should not stop and show must go on. At times I have got tea and coffee for my team also when they were too busy….target should be achieved
important career decisions
Took a decision to work in a growing not very famous company rather than with a brand name company
Working Preference
It has happened with me when I went for an interview in one of the famous consulting companies the director was very rude and egoistic, I said to the HR that please don’t process my profile further. I cant work with people who consider themselves to be superior and who have proud of their position.
Strongest Point
Till date I have worked under 4 supervisors and out of which 3 used to say that I have a strong passion for SQA. They use to find me very ambitious. After my initial interview when I told them they were really happy
Family Background
Total of 5 people , 2 sisters both are housewife. Parents are enjyng ther retired life. My father had a business but he got a paralysis attack in 2008 after that he is fine but does not work as I have stopped him to do so.
Success Path
I have not achieved something which can be termed as success. The day when I establish a full fledge quality framework for an organization from scratch I would think I have achieve something
Money V/S Work
work is more important but we need to be practical. I was working at a very nominal salary for three years I came to know my value when I went out for interview….what I mean is work is at the most important it will attract good pay cheque, but still we need to see the money part.
Contribution by you
Very simple as long as I work in an organization I don’t confine to the given work to me. I look at how the work can be done better. I always do a brand building fort he company I work. I believe that if you are not happy with the company then leave the job rather than cribbing.
Career Goal
Heading a global quality team which makes a substantial difference in the organiztion
Career Disappointments
I most of the times get disappointed when people judge only with your professional experience on papers, you have to strive hard at times prove that you are worth more than what is the experience in papers.
We hardly get people who judge us on our work experience rather than number of years
Work Ethics
Respect your job
Be very kind to your juniors
Don’t be a dual face personality
When you work for a company I think its my own company then we produce better results

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