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Advice Request
Navneet Choudhary
Navneet Choudhary

Navneet Choudhary

Food Delivery Service for Railway Passengers

Train Khana

Done Differently:
If i had to start my career again. i choose same way that what i am doing now with great and huge experience in my pocket.
Working Life Management:
its not so easy to manage business profiles even in student life.As i get benefit that my business is based completely online process so that i can handle it with my laptop and a cell phone.
Plans For The Future:
life is a long journey and i have to go far away. if i see myself from couple of year ago. i am happy with that what i am now but its just beggning of beautiful journey.
Advice For New Professionals:
Be patient and take risks as much as possible. if you fails you will get experience and if you sucessed...then all yours..
Degrees That Matter:
No, I dont recomment any degree or any ceritification for any kind of startups as now i am a college student persuing in computer engineering.
Job Profile:
when that idea of train khana got clicked in my mind when i was travelling in train from goa to my home town. then i start thinking about that how should i implement that idea in real world so that train passengers can get benefit of that food delivery service.
The Decisions That Matter
to join technical field e.g. Computer engineering
Professional Strengths:
not perticular but i think new creative ideas and decesion making power are good skills.
Family Background
I am from farmer family and brought up in a village.
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