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Advice Request
Naveed Ahamed
Naveed Ahamed

Naveed Ahamed

Senior technical engineer


Brief Description
I am F Naveed Ahamed working with Hewlett-Packard from Feb 5th2007 till date. I am working as Senior technical engineer in User Admin team.where we create user account in Active directory and migrates the account to different domain.We do manage the shared mailbox and different permissions levels for different users of the multi domain When it comes to experience i have 1 year experience with C-CUbed Solution and totall of 5 Years 9 months with Hewlett-Packard. Coming to management  I have 6 members assigned to me where my job is to resolve there escalation cases. Discuss there scorecard for the month which indicates where they are standing in the team and guide them in a right way if there out of the track. Education: I have completed BBM in 2008 and Diploma in software management.

Challenges in job
When it comes to challenging we work on different servers where my clients has my users in windows 2003 and windows 2008.Where we provide different permission levels to the users in different servers which I feel as responsible role given by my client

Job made easy
I made few shortcuts to to get into domain for the computer name creation where we can add directly software to computer.
Upcoming trend
In my field i would like change the Management level where it can be more advanced for the future. Working environment  should be more advanced which should be easily done at lower cost.I prefer marketing level of the team should be advance in different ways of media.And it should be employee friendly company.

My point of view
Yes offcourse  I agree with you we have lot of technical people in india . From the birth of a child, 80% parents needs their child to become software engineer and move to abroad. 60% students who score high and have got high talents move to abroad within a short period and will not turn back to India, 20% average students come up with mechanical engineer degree. And few in this who have high scores move to software later after degree due to low payments in manufacturing industry. The rest 20% who get the least scored and have no tensions in their mind and wants their life to be smooth. These people ambition would be to get a small home, get married, get a small car. Lead a simple life. Finally Almost all Indian are in race to earn money rather development. Or worst way to say Indians have become selfish and least worried about development with low salaries. So manufacturing industries in India needs to pay high to remain and grow in India.

Goals and ambitions
Goals i want get into management make sure the company which I work is doing a good profit in the market at the same our contribution to our country should come from my company which I work for and develop our country economy in future closer to all the developed countries around the world.Level management for the all levels employees to be changed

family background
   I have father who is retired
   Mother is housewife
   one sister got married.

Advice to professionals
DO's:Concentrate on your trainings when company provides you at the earliest stage.Sit with mentor who already has good knowledge about what your suppose to do in future.Give exposure to all the case which you handle as the first case for the day.Come with your own ideas and share it with the team.
DON’T:Don’t lose your focus when your working in your cases
Don’t take blind moves without consulting your seniors which your not sure about.

Advice to college students
I would say it depends what that students wants to study if he is particular about what he wants to do i would suggest the college which suits his ideas about his future.If he suits something which he can get my college i will tell him go for it or else i would suggest to do study which should be more practical than theory.

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