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Advice Request
Navdeep Singh
Navdeep Singh

Navdeep Singh



Dream Job
my dream job is to work in the core industries of electronics, because i want to learn more about electronics basics and its applications and improve my technnical skills through practical experiences.for the beneficiary of an industry
Career expectations
its a good question for every youth to share his/her experiences in few words. since past years i have a little bit interest in electronics thats why i have choosen electronics to learn about it more. and one more reason to choose it because of its increasing application in this revolutionary world. now after completing my degree i have lots of knowledge about electronics. and today i m seeing the great revolution of electronics in the physical world all around in every field, it become a platform of every new application.and after few years i will see the robotics world.
Unique Points
Its a typical question for a student, because there is value of all around knowledge in every field. so no one can define its all perfect areas but every one has one area, one quality which makes differ from the same manner. i have great interpersonal skills and leadership quality
Knowledge Extension
To improve my technical skills i have read technicals books more and more.. specailly refrence books which makes our basics not only readily but also practically strong.but i realise that without practical knowledge there is nothing, and we have to gain practical knowledge.In free time, i was go to nearby any electronics repairing shop and spent my free time dere and try to learn it practically. and i have learn more through internet.
Challenges for first job
when you are search for first job, the most important challenge to face technical round which is fully based on practical skills,mostly students are unable to face it because of lack of practical knowledge, which the most first choice of an interviewer. i have face this problem because i have lack of practical knowledge. i think its not our fault, the main reason behind it is in our course, syllabus which doesn't provide any practical knowledge. why we use electronic appliances made of china, korea japan. because we don't have any practical knowledge so why we studied so much? to fulfill his/her basic needs, why we call as engineer. we should change our education system and try to make it more practically. an industries wants practical skills also in professionals with theoritical knowledge. its not a duty of any industry to provide training of technical skills, its our duty that how to improve it..second thing to get a platform through which he is able to bright his future.
leadership quality, interprsonal skills is my strength for the benefit of any organisation. and weakness is my anger when i see someone to take rest at working time
Additional comment
i have nothing special to share but one idea which i would like to share with every one is that. every person should share his/her ideas with every one in sense of knowledge. because some time a younger one has more knowledge than older one. and and every one should be hungry for knowledge because its one way to get success in life
About myself
My name is Navdeep singh.I belongs to Bharatpur district of rajathan. I have completed my graduation from Govt. engineering college bharatpur in electronics and communication.
Influenced factor
i am not influenced by any one with regard to my career objective, its my own interest since childhood
Spare time activities
In my spare time i would like to repair home appliances which are in bad conditon, or to share my ideas about career with every one on social networking sites
Considering factors
firstly it must be related to my field, second it must be enough to learn me more in sense of knowledge, third one is it must have some practical, challenging experiences or we can say it must be challenging
Memorable Achievements
1)I got second position in paper presentation on technical topic in college. because my presentation skills are good.
2)many a time selected as a coordinator of any event because i have leadership quality.
Family Background
i belongs to a qualified family, my mother is a house wife and my father is an mechanical engineer. even mostly people of my family are engineers. so engineering is my first choice since childhood or you can say it one of reason to create my interest in engineering
Favorite Subject
its a typical question for me, but electronics devices and circuits is my strong subject because its the basics of electronics and it too interesting , and challenging when someone experiences its practical aspects.
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