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Navdeep Narula
Navdeep Narula

Navdeep Narula

Vice President & Business Head

Reliance Retail


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Todays Marketing Trend
The customer has got a voice. It is no longer a one-way communication through press, radio, TV etc. The internet / social media has given a voice to the customer and she is communicating like never before...

The markets are coming over to the customer... gone are the days, when customers had to search for what he wanted. Using the right kind of portals on the web, customer can have hundreds of marketers vying for his attention now...
Matrix to Long sale cycle and multiple Buyers at same time
Over a reasonable period of engagement, a marketer can get tremendous insights into consumption patterns, buying behavior etc., which would help design specific offering to the customers. Loyalty programs and web communities are among the most important tools to build and measure engagement.
Some of the Marketing Appeals & Tactic
Simplified & clear customer communication, high value proposition, in line with customer need, first mover, max. Customer service & trust are some of the key tactics.

Biggest pain point
Moral police issuing gag orders to both the marketers and now even to customers !!!
From a customer point of view Purchasing of a product Is
Lifestyle, personality, family & friends, knowledge, culture, marketing & promotion and brand loyalty are some of key factors basis which customer buying behavior gets affected. Increasingly and thanks to social media, we see "word of mouth" and peer references playing a much bigger role and becoming a lot more credible in purchase decisions.
Thoughts on Social Media Monitoring Tools
Social Media Monitoring Tools not only helps you to check what people have to say about you or your company brand but they also help you on steps you need to take to improve your reputation and make your customers happy.
Opportunities for Business in 2012- the ways to take advantage of them
We are in phase of expanding & growing when everyone is taking things slowly. This is the best time to create trust by reaching out to maximum customers and provide them with best service so that they stick to you in future.
Opinion on Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is the future, looking at the ever growing penetration of Mobile phones and along with it the medium of direct access to millions of customers, though slicing / dicing the database and hence customizing the offering is a challenge and mobile spam SMS is a menace.
Past, Present and Future of Marketing for marketing experts
In past, marketing was about informing the customer. Present is about convincing/pushing to the customer and in future customer will be the king. Marketing will revolve about creating trust, clear & transparent communication and most importantly after sales service.
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