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Advice Request
Naushad Hashim
Naushad Hashim

Naushad Hashim

Engineer Distribution System Studies and Development


My strongest Skill
My strongest professionals skills are : proactive, bringing out initiatives, planning and organizing well, presentation skills, open minded to any ideas/technology implementation, decision making, problem solving, team building, leadership skills,effective communication and self-assessment.
Family Background
I have 3 sisters and one brother. My father is an ex-utility meter reader.He is my role model and he had made this way to show the world what can be achieved through hard work.
I am married and have two children, a 4 year old boy and a 7- months old baby girl. They all support me in my daily life.
My advice
For those graduates who are starting their job in this field, my advice is to work hard to learn more about distribution network. As they dig in to learn more about the distribution network, it will eventually help in initiating new ideas, techniques and enhancing the distribution network. And of course, it is never ending, so the world is there for that employee to explore every time. But until someone is not sure about their stance on this field, never make decisions immediately without the consultation of his seniors as they can provide many immediate solutions or ideas in job activities that will benefit him in other ways.
Challenges faced in job
In my days, I have grown through many challenges and I have tried solving as many as I can with the most possible solutions. Main challenge of my job is to reduce the customer interruption which requires many developments and enhancement in the network by monitoring the network continuously and bring out a solution or reach out to re-design the network accordingly. These helped me in bringing out stability of the distribution network with better customer satisfaction.
Goals and Ambitions
My goal is to achieve a higher technical position in my field by gaining experiences in the latest technologies and developments in the distribution network. This includes me being proactive in all enhancement of distribution network.
Books recommended
For those young graduates who are preferring to join distribution network related job, I would recommend them to read and gain knowledge about substation switchgear , distribution protection, smart technologies etc. Also highly recommended are management related books. These will help them in reaching to a higher level along with their experience.
My role model
The role models I do consider are many. Few of them are : Honr. Mr.Manmohan Singh, our Prime Minister,who has provided many initiatives and decisions in our country, and Shaikh Mohammed Bin Rashid, ruler of Dubai, who has encouraged employees to be proactive, bring about new ideas and implement them, gave ways to improve in our field with the latest technologies especially with the aim of improving customer service in all respects and also asking us to learn more to grow.
My achievement
During my life in Dubai, my first achievement was by winning the best suggestion award from Dubai Municipality in the year 2008. Then I had appreciation awards from DEWA’s MD&CEO for many suggestions during the year 2009 & 2010. Also many suggestions submitted till now were appreciated and implemented in the system. I was also nominated for best employee in the year 2009 and best team award in the year 2010. Our team was also nominated for an award in the year 2013 whereby I was involved in bringing out a solution for easy workflow due to uneasiness of using new database with the current database.
Making job easier
Systematic processes, improved procedures, acceptance & implementation of new ideas, involvement in latest technologies and developments, team work etc has helped me in getting easy to work in my organisation.
Company and job profile
Myself, Naushad Hashim, working as Engineer Distribution System Studies & Development in DEWA, located in Dubai, U.A.E. DEWA is a semi-government owned electricity & water utility company in Dubai. It is the only utility company in Dubai. I have been working here since 2006. My job is to study the distribution load and report deficiencies in the distribution network which when solved will enhance the reliability of the network. My job responsibility also includes in improving & simplifying the work processes & procedures, development of distribution network by studying various possibilities and integration of new technologies.
Being different
Even though I am an engineer, I do respect everyone in their field and positions because I believe everyone has the ability to bring new ideas and tackle challenges in their field. Therefore everyone’s abilities are to be appreciated in any way. Considering myself, I have the intention of observing the problems I see in distribution network and rectifying them or enhancing them in the best possible method considering the best practices and providing immediate solutions.
Current Trends
Some of the current trends are of course (1) tackling the issues on reduction of natural gas sources for electricity generation. This is on look by introducing renewables sources such as solar, wind etc in the distribution network. These require lots of immense studies and its effects so as to implement them in the network in line with the grid. (2) Then comes the increasing electricity demand which needs to managed by demand side management or else the thought of enhancing power generation needs to be well-thought of. (3) Integration of distribution network by EGIS, Smart technologies, etc are to be developed and implemented effectively as well as improved thereon.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Although managing professional and personal life is very difficult at times, I tried my best to balance both such that I keep time after office hours for personal needs and also whenever I get time, I take time to think and learn about solutions to the problems existing in the network. I also spend enough of my after office hours to gain knowledge about latest improvement in the technological as well as electrical world.
My important career decision
I chose this career as it gives me immense participation and benefits in many aspects as well as practicing my skills and improving thereon.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
I don’t agree that we Indians do not invent and make the product for the world market. I have seen many Indians invent products but unfortunately indians companies are not utilizing them in the best manner. If our indian companies see and utilize their talent and produce their inventions with combined knowledge effectively, then our country can too grow in inventory market. Moreover this can surely lead to a platform for many such indian inventors. The first step for innovation market is union and team work with fairness and transparency all the way from all sides of the world.
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