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Murli Dhar
Murli Dhar

Murli Dhar

Project Specialist


Avoiding mistake and connecting right dots
Generally, I used to define the work according to the purpose. I don’t go for the execution if I’m not aware of the ultimate Goal of the work. It helps me to get the input sourcing, execution with the best possible perfection.
I believe in getting the basics right whether it is personal or professional decision. I firmly believe in taking decisions based on the factual data and prior experience in similar kind of work. If I don’t know something which is required to do a particular job/work, I’ll not hesitate in expressing this fact and I’ll make sure to learn the basics before undertaking the project.
I’m a team person and I use it to get benefit from other experienced coworker in my team or other. At the same time, I don’t overlook subordinates too when it comes to get feedback or suggestion in execution of a particular project/work.
Similar approach helps me in house hold works too. Getting advice from elders and other family members always yields benefit in one way or another.
Handling risky decision
I believe in getting the basics right whether it is personal or professional decision. I firmly believe in taking decisions based on the factual data and prior experience in similar kind of work. I may go for experienced Team Members for their advice if I’m not certain about a particular decision and facts are not supporting this decision too.
Also, I’ll make sure that the management is aware of the decision is being implemented even though it is not the best decision in that particular situation. In case of risky decision, an open table discussion among all the stake holders is certain in my case.
Once the decision is implemented, I’ll be always on the toe to have an eye on the progress, the area which is being affected due to the implementation and long-term/short-term goals.
Current Job Description
Work area includes Customer Query Resolution, Customer Feedback Resolution, Part of Product Planning Team, Input Sourcing from Contractors, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Analysis & Reporting, Project Planning, Monitoring & Team Building, Training to Recruits and Contractor Employees, Contractor Management, Data Specification Specialist, New Initiative, Community Development etc
Upcoming trends
Working in Navigation/GIS provides ample time and scope to look into the different technologies being used across the globe. We are moving into the Mobile Technology to do out daily job routine.
Moving forward, Crowd Sourcing and community will be taking over this area.
Couple of years from now
I believe that the next couple of years would be the most important years of my. As these years will form the new learning phase on which my future career depends. So for next few years I would like to grasp as much knowledge as possible and learn new things and finally try to direction my career to the path I would love to follow.
Qualities require to be successful
Active Participation in Planning, Individual Initiative, Specific, Realistic Time Frames for Goals, Team Player, Be bold and honest, Organizing what you have
Concept of Analyst
Analysis is a way of reducing the ambiguity of highly ambiguous situations, with the ambiguity. Many analysts prefer the middle-of-the-road explanation, rejecting high or low probability explanations. Analysts may use their own standard of proportionality as to the risk acceptance of the opponent, rejecting that the opponent may take an extreme risk to achieve what the analyst regards as a minor gain. Obviously, a set of problem-solving talents are essential for analysts.
My achievements
My greatest achievement so far in my career would probably be winning the Employee of the Year award last year. I made numerous changes in my team, including a massive increment in productivity - which significantly boosted our product coverage. I also drove up new initiatives which again proved beneficial in Company’s and group’s favor.
My Strongest Skill
Communications: I having the ability to listen, write, speak effectively
Analytical & Research: Ability to assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information if necessary, and identify key issues that need to be addressed
Flexibility & Managing Multiple Priorities: Flexible team player who thrives in environments requiring ability to effectively prioritize and juggle multiple projects
Leadership/Management Skills: Goal-driven worker who maintains a productive climate and confidently motivates, mobilizes, and coaches employees to meet high performance standards
Planning/Organizing: I can effectively plan and organize myself and others to plan, organize and implement tasks within an allotted time frame
Problem-Solving/Creativity: Innovative problem-solver who can generate workable solutions and resolve complaints
Teamwork: Resourceful team player who excels at building trusting relationships with customers and colleagues
Influenced by
There are many things in life which inspired me. They are my mistakes, great personalities. The important and most provoking inspiration is the hard work done by my parents to raise me till this stage which I feel is the greatest motivation factor in my life.
My advice to professionals
Make sure your employees are 100% clear on the objectives, Analyze the problem; map out all possible answers, and then implement, Know how to multitask and prioritize, Always be ready to react, embrace, and manage change, Know as much as possible of what your staff does daily, Hire, then lead, then monitor, then reward, and finally retain the right people, Brainstorm with key members of your department or fellow managers, Fully understand what upper management wants from you, Fully understand the goals of the company
My thought on education system in India
The really critical aspect of Indian public education system is its low quality. The actual quantity of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient in government schools.
Certain policy measures need to be taken by the government. The basic thrust of government education spending today must surely be to ensure that all children have access to government schools and to raise the quality of education in those schools. One of the ways in which the problem of poor quality of education can be tackled is through common schooling. This essentially means sharing of resources between private and public schools.
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