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Advice Request
Munish Jauhar
Munish Jauhar

Munish Jauhar


GrayCell Technologies Exports


Munish Jauhar is a member of:

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Brief about company, offerings and foundation of the company

GrayCell Technologies Exports was founded in 2004. GrayCell Technologies Exports is one of the leading application development companies in Chandigarh offering a wide range of services ranging from  Web Design and Development, Mobile and Desktop Applications to Online Marketing Solutions.
GrayCell Technologies Exports is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company and a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.

Risks involved in business and way of addressing
One of the major risks is the increasing competition from lower cost providers in South – East Asia. This has been addressed by moving up the value chain and offering a varied technological mix of services.
Most critical decision
One of the most critical decision I had to take was moving from service based model to more focus on the product.We are still working on shifting from our reliance on the services revenue. As part of this shift, we have started partnering with our clients on revenue sharing projects in specific cases. This is still a work in progress and more work needs to be done to make the product division the main revenue driver.

Some of the difficulties faced while building product/ solution
One of the most difficult decisions in the service model is differentiating from the competition and retaining the client.
My thoughts related to entrepreneurship/ leadership and management
My take would be it is a challenging and wonderful experience. You tend to discover new aspects of your personality which you never thought existed and you improve as a human being. It is a fun ride.
Different actions if I rebuild my company from scratch all over again
I will probably open a sales office abroad in the US or Europe.
Motivation and Drives factor
For me, being an entrepreneur is any day better than a job because I get to contribute something concrete…there’s a tangible output, and it’s the thrill of getting more work, of solving problems, of finding new solutions that makes this job far better than a 9-to-5 one!
Unique about my way of motivating troops
I lead from the front. Whenever a new technology area is being explored, I personally sit with my senior technical team and work on the technology so as to experience it firsthand.
Way of choosing my people
I look for dependability and the spark in their eyes. I keep challenging my team to push the boundaries and the limits of their imagination.
The challenges and lessons learnt to get first customer
My first customer was a reference who wanted a simple application. I offered him various possible solutions that could improve his revenue. He became a customer for life.One of the major lessons that I learnt from my first deal was to put yourself in your clients shoes and think of his best interests and then customize a solution based on that. 9 out of 10 times, he will convert.

Experience of reaching out to potential investors
I have not approached any investors as of now. Maybe in the future, once the product needs funding.
My role at different dimensions as the company evolved
When I started, I was solely responsible for selling and delivering. Gradually the role has changed with different units each with their own heads responsible for their spheres and I am more of the facilitator and mentor now.
As a leader how I make sure that I am connecting the right dots
When doing a particular task and if I am stuck somewhere, I always step back and then have a relook at the various possibilities and solutions. Sometimes the team steps in and we always arrive at a decision that is good for the organization. We work as a collective and it helps in gaining a wholesome perspective.
Three big lessons/ mistakes encountered while building company
One of the lessons I learnt was to never blindly trust a client. Trusting a client lead to a situation where one of our major clients took delivery but did not pay. This lead to a huge financial mess and we were staring at closure as the pipeline was impacted severely.I had to put in my personal assets on the line as a hedge for our bankers. I and my sales team then worked overtime to overcome the shortfall by driving growth from new markets. The team was a great support and we overcame the situation and covered up our losses and ended with better figures than the previous year.The other lesson would be never put in all your eggs in one basket and keep innovating and diversifying. Always look for new clients and opportunities.The most important lesson was to build a great team that is always there for you.

Best company I admire globally
I admire Apple for their single minded devotion to consumer usability and exploring new frontiers which make it a world leader. Innovation and creating a market is the key to success.
Advice for fellow entrepreneurs
Enjoy the ride. You will love it.
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