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Advice Request
Mukund Panditrao Kottawar
Mukund Panditrao Kottawar

Mukund Panditrao Kottawar

Project manager

Wipro Technologies Ltd


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Important decision
Couple of decisions, but the decision I took to complete my CDAC course was most important. It gave me path where I wanted to move on.
My family background
I have been born and brought up in a middle class family, father worked as a bank manager as well as farmer. So I have great respect towards farmer as everyone on this earth gets food due to farmers hard work.We are 3 brother and a sister. I am merried with Pranita and have a son Pratyush.
Important lesson learned
Couple of lessons
1. The life is always busy.It's good to find out some time for yourself too. I started spending 10-15 min every day and it's making a difference to my entire life. Spending quality time for yourself is important.
2. Be always student, never give up learnings.Learn form mistakes, It makes you more strong.
3. Think beyond. Think what is good for tomorrow rather than thinking about just today. Ex. Cow protection. It's really important to protect cows if we want our next generation to leave happily.
My achievements
I would like to add professional and personal front as well
1. I developed one recurive progeam using Perl for finding dependencies in testing. Every one learn Factorial program but rage gets oppoortunity to use in real life.I was so excited on that day.
2. I end up with developing GUI application based in DOS using C, when it was beyond my inagination to do so.
3. OSI 7 Layers was a theory. It really excited me to implement those while developing simulator for a Locomotive.It gave us a power of defining and designing protocol and it's real time use.

On Personal front, I like craft work. I designed huge banner using special sheets, It gave me lot of pleasure specially when hundereds of people apploud it.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. Having Vision
2. Setting Goals
3. One should have strong belief.
4. Capable of moulding leadership qualities in the team he/she is leading.
5. Strong Values.
Influenced by
Couple of friends and coleagues
1. A Friend Vijay Badhe. He is now running his own firm Inditech Systems. He worked for a small company after completing engineering, then he completed his MTech and straightly started his own organization. Which was not so easy specially when he was not backed up with finance.

I worked with a consultant Keith Hoffman. So visionary, The day I meet him, he listed out about 10 projects we will be doing over 2 years. In between left an organization, still we could able to complete about 80% of those projects. This is a vision.
Brief description about me
Born and brought up at a place called Yavatmal, a district in Maharashtra near Nagpur. Completed my schooling in a Govet school and proud of same due to availability of technical school during Highschool.Choose Civil Engineering as vocational during HSC and moved to Electronics Engineering after then. Enthisiasm in project works and participation in National level exhibitions.Joined Wipro Technologies after completing CDAC and got opportunity to work for world class companies like General Electric, Micron Technologies, State Street, Microsoft etc. Worked in several techonologies and domains like Manufacturing, Telecom, Finance, Energy and Utilities. I feel proud while making difference to people some way or other. I belive success of Project manager lies in becoming catalyst to bring out best out of the team, Encourage workmanship and innovation at work.
Degree that I recommend
I have recently completed Executive Diploma in Management from Symbiosys.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Teachers play an important Role in education. Touching up their value system is vital. Inner strength is equally important as and how children grow. Trachers should happiness for building future rather than earning some money at end of the day.They should feel their success in students success and in earning more and more money.
I can see old is gold. Small books so school bag is not heavy.Technical school for practical learning. Encourage childerns to go out, spend time with nature, morning prayers, thoughts from great people like Samarth Ramdas Swamy, Vivekanand Swamy, Srila Prabhupada, Mahatma Gandhi etc.
Couple of years from now
I am looking at CEO Position in a medium/small firm in coming 5 years of time.In another 10 years I would like to move in education field, specially value based education.
My strongest skill
I think, I do bring value in the every task I do. I ensure that there is an convection rather than doing the task just for the sake of doing. This brings harmoney in the team and ready to go beyond. This brings their natural talent out and motivates then to do better and better.
I have capability to find hopes in worst situation and find out the better way of proceeding.
I do look at ways to bring out the best out of team available and thinking on building the skills rather than depend on readily available.
Encourage trainings and participation in competitions.
Ensuring success
I do spend quality time for myself, my family and frineds/relatives. It is indeed difficult activity due to streesed work like. I do read Ramayana, Bhagwad Geeta, Srimad Bhagvatham. Knowledge hidden in the scriptures is tremendous.It do cover technology, management and all other subjects. Entire numbering system is there in Ramayana. Srimad Bhagwadham mentioned about planetory system and their movements, their life span etc.Lot of management lessions in Bhagwad Geeta.
My role model
Two peole inspires me alot.
1. My uncle, who was a heading the Apex office. Who did his job honestly and lived with proud.
2. My another uncle who is running business and taking acre of every people who work under him.He even takes care of all relatives.Resolves conflicts, inspires people to do good etc.
More about myself
I think, as a redident of India, every one shall be part of some social activity. Helping handicapped people, childrens upbringing, value education, Respecting value system, taking care of elders, taking care of women are vital.
Even Cow protection is equally important, whithout which world can not surview.
Initiative to develop a country
Contribute for social cause.The best thing is to share knowledge, make people knowledgable. Why we got birth, how can we difference to next generation etc.
Only Cow Protection can help India to become developed Country by real sense.
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