
Viktor Stephen

Viktor Stephen
IT-Software/Software Services

About Viktor Stephen

A genial, down-to-earth and soft spoken individual, Viktor has been a serial entrepreneur with a corporate advisory practice. He is an experiential authority on management of SME's.

He is a senior talent search services expert across technologies, industries and functions; being a certified recruitment analyst. Naturally, he relates to people of an organization as its key DNA for formulating and executing innovative strategy. He also has over a decade of experience in the IT/ITES industry.

A highly organized and friendly professional, able to establish long-term, positive and fun relationships with clients, co-workers and outside resources. He carries interest in as diverse fields as spirituality, origin of universe, governance, education, adventure sports, creative thinking and technology.

Viktor Stephen ’s experience

Chief Operations Officer   at   Business Mashups LLC , Chandigarh, INDIA
March 2008 – Currently Working
Industry: IT-Software/Software Services
Functional area: IT Sw- E-Commerce / Internet Technologies

Viktor Stephen ’s education

Symiosys [2001/June] , Pune

Viktor Stephen ’s additional information

Spirituality, origin of universe, governance, blogging, education, etymology, Transformational Leadership, mentoring, gerontology, military warfare, creative thinking, web 2.0+, CRM, SEO, SEM, OOP and more.
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