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Advice Request
Mohammad Harun
Mohammad Harun

Mohammad Harun

HR Head

Suraj Windoor Pvt. Ltd


Mohammad Harun is a member of:

Helping to develop the country
India will never become developed country even by 2050 unless we change our political system and electoral process. We should bring in 2 party system like US. Every tom, **** & harry should not be allowed float a new party either at the state and center level.
HR Strategies In Place
Recruitment & Selection, Manpower Planning, Performance - Appraisal, Employees Loans & Advances, Leave Management, Time-Office, Training & Development.
Leadership Programs in Place:
A leadership development program should never be undertaken unless it has the full support and approval of the organization's leadership team. For example, you can give a great ethics training course as part of a leadership development program and it might be chock full of discussions.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
The relationship between human resources and the chief executive officer is a reciprocal one that manages the human capital required for a company to reach its goals. HR planning and strategic decision-making should be conducted with input from both parties, as no business can function without staff
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
 Attendance
 Punctuality
 Enthusiasm
 Cooperation
 Maturity
 Accuracy
 Problem-solving Skills
 Organizational Skills
 Interpersonal Skills
 Openness — Shares Experience and Ideas
Current HR Trends:
The top ten trends of the decade for Human Resources staff and the employees served at work were not obvious nor were they easy to pick from my original list. Depending on your company size, your location, and the health and progress of your company and industry, the top ten Human Resources trends m
HR Challenges:
No business is an island. Virtually every company evolves in the context of a mix of environmental factors, ranging from economic to legal influences. Because these environmental factors change over time, a business must adapt to new circumstances by adjusting its strategic planning.
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