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Advice Request
Meena Shah
Meena Shah

Meena Shah


iView Creations & iView Labs Pvt Ltd.


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Meena Shah's Advice

Find right telent and go ahead

•Right team can always make you cross boundaries. So find the right talent for your company. •Don’t look at today’s overheads but look at it against the revenue you could generate out of them, so go ahead and take risks.•Be adaptable for the changes as per the market demands.
Company Profile
iView Creations, started in March 2011 with a concept of providing innovative technology solutions for branding which generates a unique experience for the consumer to recall. Soon in six months we realized that the business model, which we had, would not generate the value for thecompany, which we had foreseen. We pivoted and started focusing and building interactive solutions, which engaged and enhances user experience. Our core remains same but our business model and market focus areas changed. We offer touch /multi touch based solutions and gesture recognition interactive solutions. Our prime focus is to get natural interaction in the technology world. We incorporated our new company with this focus as iView Labs Pvt Ltd this year.
Critical Decision
The most critical decision was to pivot and change our business model completely. As when we started we had a picture, which was completely different than, actually what was the fact.Its truly said that business teaches you a lot of dynamics, where every decision is critical especially when you are a startup. Each decision is a make or break decision, which can either, lead you to success or failure.
Doing things differently
If I were to build this again, I found start it from garage ;-), as most of the companies which were built from there became successful. Just Kidding…If I were to rebuild this again, I would choose to start it from a different location.Though my current city has lot of benefits of keeping the cost low, but getting the talent and right customer who values these solutions is difficult.
Motivating Employees
For us, nobody is like an employee and no babu system here. Firstly as the technologies we develop solutions on are very interesting and exciting for them to be motivated to learn about new things. Also we offer solutions like product equity for the right person and right product. (Courtesy Steve Jobs, As I was inspired by this model from his book)Every order we receive we have a party to celebrate that. Though these are few moments ;-) considering a startup.
Making correct decisions
I don’t know whether the dots are right or not. I am just connecting them and realizing it later whether they were right or wrong. In entrepreneurship, there is no full proof system. You have to fall, accept and rise.
Advice for entrepreneurs
•Right team can always make you cross boundaries. So find the right talent for your company. •Don’t look at today’s overheads but look at it against the revenue you could generate out of them, so go ahead and take risks.•Be adaptable for the changes as per the market demands.
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