
Anand Sindhu

Anand Sindhu

About Anand Sindhu

I am studying Applied Geophysics (Msc tech 5 yr integrated) in ISMU DHANBAD,currently in 3rd yr.Keen to work on reservoir geophysics applying seismic and well log methodology. done a project on 'sp gamma log as a lithospheric indicator'.Got a training on sagarkanya SK 253 indecember08 and collected marine data when it cruises from Goa to Chennai.

Anand Sindhu ’s experience

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Anand Sindhu ’s education

Indian School of Mines University (ISMU) [Currently,Studying] , Study location, INDIA

Anand Sindhu ’s additional information

script writing and Handwriting and signature analysis
Awards and achievements:
Won inter year volley ball tournament in 2008.Poem selected for college magzine 'ANKUR'.
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