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Advice Request
Mayank Pareek
Mayank Pareek

Mayank Pareek


Anukampa group


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Brief description about me
I was born and brought up in a small city of Rajasthan called "Bikaner". Famous for its Namkin. I mastered in Commerce and also did a PG in international Finance from UK. I started my career in IT/ITES with Infosys and I am currently working as Vice President in Anukampa Group. One of the leading Real-Estate companies of Rajasthan.
I am aged 28 and my interests are wildlife photography and travel.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I am one of the biggest critics of the education system in India, for the simple reason that we are too bookish and "number" driven. We are not educating our kids but we are turning them into robots. "Winning" and "scoring" are the only objectives of life. If you are not a topper you are nothing. This approach and mentality leads to various complexes among kids.
I think there is more to life and career than just being an engineer, doctor or an Investment banker. Our education system should be more of case study and live project based, rather than just mugging up the books and writing the same into exams.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
For me a leader is the one who leads by example, and i guess that is applicable in each and every aspect and sector of life. I firmly believe that a leader should always be the biggest support for his peers and team rather then being just a point of pressure.
He/She should find innovative processes and procedures into easing the work and should always be positive and optimistic about situations.
Important lesson learned
Life is all about learning and experiencing new things, and I am not exception to that. I have learned it and kind of practice it on a daily basis that at the end of each day I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself and ask "have I done justice to the day? Did i do anything which will have a positive impact on work or personal life? am i satisfied with the day or not?
The objective of this practice is to be the judge of yourself. no one but me knows best about my strengths and weaknesses and i should be the one working on it, rather than seeking for help
Ensuring success
The word is "learning" and "diversification" these are the two tools which i believe will ensure my growth and development. My approach towards life is to learn and learn more about things which matter. Apart from this knowledge of different domains and sectors certainly help into the growth. because it gives you the space of growing vertical and cross domain.
Important decision
I would say that the most Important ones are yet to come. but, if i judge my life this far I think was of changing my domain and sector
Initiative to develop a country
It is not just about the professionals but each and every Indian that counts. our biggest problem is of "passing the buck". We always blabber that how great it would have been if we had secured a job in US or UK or whatever. We lack into civic sense and do not hesitate in breaking laws, for example we would even call the Prime Minister ( if had known him personally) to avoid a traffic penalty and if we manage to avoid the penalty, we would feel proud about it because we "Know" somebody.
My request to all the professionals is that India has the largest number of youth. So lets use the power of youth and take India into the league of developed counties
My role model
My only role model living or dead is His excellency our former President Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. He is the man who not only gave India the wings of fire, but he also made, the said to "stamp position" of President accessible to Indians. He truly is a Bharat Ratana
My family background
I come from a family which a mix bag of professions. My Parents were both Government officers. I have two sisters one is govt. officer second one is banker.
Rest of the family is mix of Govt. officers, Bankers, Army officers, IT professionals & business men.
My strongest skill
I would say that my strongest professional skill is being a Leader and a team player. I always like to lead from the front and am always ready to responsibilities and ownership of the work assigned to me.
More about myself
I find myself fortunate enough to be associated with "Disha" it is a foundation which works on the education of special children. It is always a great experience to be among these children as they are full of life. My request to all the professionals is to be a part of such foundation or institutions and educate and help those who need our help the most.
My achievements
I would not want to brag about myself. so i would like to skip this question.
Couple of years from now
The honest answer to that would be that I only wanna work professionally till the age of 40. so that makes it about 12 years of professional life. Post which i will head back to my native place and would work for the education of the underprivileged children. especially towards the education of girl child.
Influenced by
Since I have lived among people with diversified professional and personal attitudes. The people who have influenced me the most are my family and friends who are working for the Armed forces of India.
Not only i have learned the attributes of discipline and leadership from them. But the most important things I have learned are "All for one and one for all" and "no matter what the situation is, we will never leave any man behind"
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