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Advice Request
Matam Shivananda Swamy
Matam Shivananda Swamy

Matam Shivananda Swamy

Senior Team Leader Operations

iGATE Global Solutions Ltd


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Qualities needed to become a successful leader
I believe one should possess high confidence level, when team wins, stand at last and when team not meeting expectations stand in front line to motivate team and help them to exceed the expectations.
He should maintain lucidly/clarity among his bottom level, so that people who aspire to become leader, they can place themselves in leader place and think about achieving what leader want to achieve.
That would help in achieving individual goals and organizational goals. One should have bright vision and end to end understanding on what he is doing & what is expecting from his subordinates.
Other aspect – learn and let others learn. Because this world is full of opportunities – only one should know how to grab them and achieve them. Leader is the one who can guide everyone, there can’t be failure members in his team, if leader is efficient. Since every creature on earth is special, so every employee of an organization is special. Only thing required is show the way by great leader.
My achievements
I have started from 10th failure to MBA in fiance and acquired 8+ years of professional experience. Worked for companies like Bank Of America, ProKarma Inc. and working for iGATE Global Solutions ltd. I have won 20+ awards in this tenure personally and with team. I would like to be proud of every small achievement. Looking forward to meet new changes and achievements in life.
My family background
My wife Raja Shree – who takes care of my home.
My elder son Vishwarupa studying Nursery in EURO KIDS and Younger son Anandswarupa spends time at home. He is about to complete 2 years.
My father and mother live in my native place. My Elder brother is Doctor and 1st younger brother is a private school principal and 2nd younger brother work for Muthoot Finance Corp.
Degree that I recommend
I have completed my MBA in Finance from Osmania University & Bachelor Commerce from Nizam College Hyderabad. Recommendation to my career I would like to do Ph.D. in management or finance or in taxation.
Important lesson learned
There are numerous lessons –
I left my schooling when I was in 8th standard, joined back in 10th class directly after 1 year and failed in mathematics. Behaved immaturely and ran away from family, I thought I can stand on my own feet's, I felt failure in 10th class won’t stop me from becoming successful man. Spent 2 years with odd jobs and found no destination. In 2001 returned education and passed mathematics. Eventually picked up MPC in intermediate and Got 88% in MPC. Graduation with 75% & MBA with 55%. Interesting part is till 10+2 I have studied in regional language. Spared time to self-learning and learnt communicating skills through rigorous reading. From the day, when I start taking decisions on my own, I learnt from every step I took in my life – it has got numerous worst and best experiences.
My Odd jobs time from 1999 to 2001 – was worst part in my life.
Initiative to develop a country
Development must and should start from each individual home and from each human being of India. Once should contribute to all the causes which are in scope for them – when we talk about professionals, since professionals have seen other parts of the world, we should come with an avenue to nurture our next generations to with good inspirations, rather living for ourselves. Other way around is we should see what is happening next to us, rather than ignoring it. Since it is not effecting.
Once the basic issues are fixed – I would not ask this question to myself, whether India developed country or not. Since answer lies with the question.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Quality improved only when teachers other financial institutions own their work what they are doing. I could see it has been commercialized to suffice the needs of those individuals not to groom next generation of India. Though in recent past we have seen some changes due to self-discovery of Indian. We are questioning about an abnormalities of the system, we can expect drastic changes in system, politically and educationally soon. On the other hand, if we look at previous centuries, India has to very bright and one of oldest cultural structure which specks about bright history and exposure we had in education and other aspects of present life.
My strongest skill
Thorough experience in banking sector F & A– specialized in Global Payments/Account Payable Operations. Also Global Taxation Process - knowledge on global taxation and applications.
Has knowledge Oracle 11i & R12 Buy2Pay application and execution.
Handling team of 12+ tax consultants from two different locations and handling global taxation issues and finding reason for hold and providing Root cause analysis to resolve the issues.
In an Initial stage of my career spent 5+ years in Payment process and audit work.
Later on spent in vendor management and account payable for 1 year and presently taking care of global taxation issues of client in present organization, it is an upstream process to account payable group.
Kaizen, Six Sigma Basic & Green Belt certification/Lean Certification completed. Mentored 20+Kaizen projects & few lean and Green Belt projects. I have quantifying knowledge in Six Sigma concepts and execution skills.Good in implementing quality & TAT improvement projects.
More about myself
I would like to explore various opportunities within Banking and Financial sector. I believe that my firm believe in my skills help me to give a tangible results to the organization.
Looking forward to find the right opportunity - which give me long term stability in personal and professional life.
I trust in my abilities, which always boost a confidence in me to take up any challenge – ready to go anywhere to meet the client / personal expectations.
My ultimate goal is not to win every time on your own, create winning team – which admire to win every time.
Ensuring success
Stick to basics and be grounded. I never expect always my instinct or thought process is correct. I look at the other side of the issue or problem, further I would instigate myself to resolve it in different way.
I believe firm believer in his own skills, never get failed, to get success in our way, only important aspect should be stick to basic and do your work extraordinarily and think little out of the box to get the results. I always believe in keeping myself and customer satisfied - learning from each experience and keeping a note of it.
That would help me in avoiding similar errors and help me in grow and develop myself in personal and professional life.
Influenced by
None of the human beings inspired me, since my life itself is inspirational to me. I learn from it daily and every keep myself motivated to learn something and stand up to the current speed of this world. In fact, I want learn from my kids – who just completed 4 and 2 years, they are helping me in learning patience and help in motivating myself thru their love and affections.I don’t expect anything from them, but I want to keep something for them help themselves in their lives. So present inspiration live this life is kids and family. Since they are fetching me lot of happiness and helping to do better everywhere work place and outside.
My role model
I really don’t want pick up anyone specifically – but like to read the history of Abdul Kalam. The way he pawed his way to first person of India, still he is very much on the ground.
Important decision
There are numerous decisions I have made in last 8 years of career. 3 famous one are handling Trainer Responsibility when I was associated with 1st company, which was challenging task to pick up and migrate new process from client. I have took this decision voluntarily & fulfilled entire process smoothly. I learn a lot thru this responsibility, handling various set of minds coming from college back ground and this decision helped a lot in grooming myself in terms of leadership skills and handling tricky/tough situations promptly…etc. Decision of moving from Hyderabad to Mumbai over nightly for job purpose and shifted family smoothly settled in current job. Though it’s new job and company, within one year nominated for outstanding performer and won team of the quarter and achiever of the quarter personally. Another important decision that I made when I have completed my 10+2 in MPC and I have got 88% score in it, instead of going to engineering, I preferred to study commerce.
Couple of years from now
On basis of my present job responsibility and work I am performing, I would like to see myself at manager operation level. This would be my aim to achieve it. I am stringently working towards meet this deadline.
Brief description about me
I have good Technical, Organizational, Leadership & Leadership Skills.
Good communication, presentation, planning, organizing, decision making, problem solving and training skills. Ability to set priorities, plan - organize work, ability to work independently and an ability to initiate production/quality projects for improving performance of the process. Demonstrating a high degree of reliability, integrity, commitment and trustworthiness in all areas. I take ownership for responsibilities, I can adapt to a changing environment and circumstances. I always motivate myself into positive actions and I exhibits respect for management. I demonstrate the appropriate level of tact when dealing with difficult/stressful situations.
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