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Manju Kapoor
Manju Kapoor

Manju Kapoor

Business Development.

Sonata Software.


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Recommended Courses and Certification
For going into Marketing role you should have some basic qualification, strategies, ideas, innovative thinking, for this I think one exposure sales team will get when they pursue for an MBA in marketing and sales, where they learn all the Sales theoretical concepts and able to convert in real world.
Marketing is a very important aspect in business since it contributes greatly to the success of the organization.Marketing covers advertising, promotions,public relations, and sales.It is the process of introducing and promoting the product or service into the market and encourages sales from public
Importance of Marketing
As a Sales and Marketing person, I feel my role is very significant to the organization. Because Sales team are the one who initiate formal discussion with our prospecting clients, Sales team are the one who make such a good relationship with client so that they can trust on us and buy our services.
Importance of 4ps
The categories that can be controlled in the marketing of a good or service: product, price, place and promotion. The four Ps, often referred to as the marketing mix, are all constrained by internal and external factors in the overall environment.Without this no sales possible in organization.
Achieving Targets
Some basic tips to Sales Team: 1.Attitude is the most important element in consistent sales performance. 2.Start every sales conversation by asking the prospect what they needed to know about your company and product. 3. Keep thing simple and make the best efforts to simplify complex things.
Positioning the product
Using 7 P's of Marketing : Place,Price, Product, Promotion, People, Packaging, Processes, Physical Evidence.
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