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Advice Request
Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar

Manish Kumar



After 5 years
I want to be in a good position so that i can help where i work and also i want to contribute to make the society and environment healthy.
My Father always suggest me that just try to give your best in every field or the work which have been assigned to you.
I like to watching movies because it make learns so many things in the life and also it give s me refreshment.
Quick Advice
i would only suggest that never give up and always try to give your best.
Strong Subject
Information Storage Management and software engineering was my strongest subject during college days because it was quite much interesting.
Reason for hiring freshers.
Yes surely i can say that getting the first job is the hardest but i think that company should take a risk and hire me because I am goal oriented, adaptive and a quick learner. I am also very good in calculation. I also love to take challenges in life and i am optimistic type of person.
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