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Advice Request
Mahesh Ramichetty
Mahesh Ramichetty

Mahesh Ramichetty

Director Technologies


Advice For New Professionals:
1: be technical all the way in the carrier

2: keep focus on the goals.

3: Do not feel greedy if some one achieves some thing in your organization.

4: Do not look for the salary, Money will come once you are proved Technically.

5: Do not be egoistic, try to be a good Listener,

6: Keep on updating the Technologies that are up coming.

7: Present the ideas boldly in front of the senior management,

8: do not feel low if those ideas are not taken a day will come.
Career Profile:
The current role as the Director Technologies for the product line called Pelica, even though the designation is Director it is the pure technical role that i play in designing the products , envision the technologies that will trend in the future. The RDBMS to NOSQL (MONGODB) Migrator is one such world class product that migrates the data from any RDBMS to Mongo DB. This tool called as the Pelica Migrator has been evaluated by the Mongo DB and now Techgene is the Advanced partner in the software as well as Service partners. This is all because of the ease with which the Migration happens and the other features like the Sync Manager , Version of the Migrations that are done being maintained.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
The professional environment has became more political. People are ready to loose the clients and the projects because of the EGO feeling, They stay in the same organization for more than 10 Years create a comfort zone and if any one dominates technically then the actual problem starts initially moving from the current project to a Support project and gradually make the resource resign himself. It is better to work with the start up's where the process is less rather than with the big tech companies
Working Life Management:
Work is more important for me. i believe in the Quote ""If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." by Steve Jobs. It is not that how many days we live but the impact that one makes during his tenure of life
The Decisions That Matter
The Most important decision is that to switch to the product line where we can build robust products, that are not available in the market. pelica Migrator is one qof its kind, there are line of products that are in the road map.We also work on the Machine learning arriving at the algorithms that form the basis of the product.
Plans For The Future:
As one of the best to go person for any technical things , ideas, redefine the technology as well as set a bench mark for the work culture in the organization that i work. In this process technical things are not left behind.
Growth Strategy:
My passion towards the technology and the product ideas that we generate will be the differentiation factor not only for me but for the employees who work under me. we Focus on Technology and motivate the people to grow in that direction, we do not believe in the process that hinders the development time but the quality is ensured by the usage of the tools. As a leader i have created the room for the people so that there are no hurdles if they want to talk, we believe in the flatter the reporting , greater will be the interaction with the resources.
Professional Strengths:
All the technologies related to java and J2ee along with that of the messaging services, RDBMS, no SQL data bases...Product related design and development experience.
Other Thoughts:
Apart from being technical and leading from the front being accessible to all the people who report to you, that creates good environment in the company.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
The launch of the world class product that migrates the RDBMS data to the NOSQL (MONGO) is the greatest accomplishment because of that the world number #1 NOSQL company has given dual partnership as software partner as well as world wide services partner.

The Second thing 48 Successful delivers to the worlds leading bank are the two things that i can proudly say.
Required Reading:
1: I Steve


3: IBM Red books

4: Serverside .com,

5: look at the white papers that are related to the technologies that you are working for.
Done Differently:
Think differently , and how to build the work culture in an organization that stands up par apart from all the big tech companies, would have taken care to deal with the politics in the IT field, the goal that i have reached has taken 17 years but with this knowledge i would have achieved at least 6 years before.
Role Model:
Steve Jobs is my Role Model and i follow the foot steps,

1: Reason being he is a good decision maker.

2: works hard lived for the technology and even before the day he was about to die , had reviewed the presentation of Apple 5 Mobile.

3: Built a technical empire from Zero to a stage that no one can reach.

4: People even today after his death buy Apple products because of the impact that he has made and the difference that he had shown

5: He gave the people what they wanted, because people does not know what exactly they want.
Family Background
I am the only son and i have two Sisters, i am married to Prathima and has one daughter studying 8th class and she topper of the campus and the Zone. wonderful kid and wife who understands my limitations of the time and helped in my growth all the way.
The Journey So Far:
Started Carrier in the Year 1998 after graduating in Engineering , worked for top notch Indian IT service based companies and for biggest banks , but nothing gave the satisfaction from the Technology nor the work and the process and politics that are there in the companies, delivered projects successfully in all these years of my Carrier. Never shifted from technical to any sort of managerial things. So finally shifted to the product line with the ideas that will definitely make difference in the way the product works.
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