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Advice Request
Krishna Kumari M
Krishna Kumari M

Krishna Kumari M

Soft were Developer on PHP

Impecsoft pvt ltd


Krishna Kumari M is a member of:

Money vs Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction.cause if I'm happy with my will come automatically and I can achieve my desires.
Upcoming Language with embedded systems
Assembling Language(ASM) and Embedded c.But mostly ASM.why because it will take less memory for code.Even if we wright code in Embedded c it will convert to ASM at the time of converting hex file.
My job profile
At present i am working as a soft were Developer on PHP(SUGAR CRM Framework) in Impecsoft Pvt Ltd.
My accomplishments
At starting of my project "Recruitment process" on PHP(SUGARCRM), I don't have the knowledge on php.But I completed my project successfully with my team who knows php.
My corporate journey
So far its been fantastic, learn many things, ups and downs...working in corporate companies is a joy and fun and is a dream for many.
Specialization area in Embedded systems
The controller devices 8051,ARM7,ARM9,ARM11 micro controller,gsm,gps,sensors.
My advice minded,, interest towards work rather than others
On others. Team work, motivating team.
Couple of year from now
As a program manager.But defiantly in a best possible position.
My Important role
When I am at the stage of Developing a project"Vehicle and Child Tracking System" I have played main role.The code development,code dumping to micro controller,Hard were connections,execution of both soft were and hard were.
Books recommended
www.w3,Embedded system(8051 micro controller),c language(balaguruswami and camathene).ARM7(lpc2129 and lpc2148 microcontriller),Siliconindia Daily dose.
My role model
Sam Walton founder of Walmart.Sam Walton was a simple bell boy,due to his work dedication, Quality maintain of any things he was the Walmart, the large international discount retail chain.
Degree recommended
Embedded systems 8051 micro controller,arm7,arm9 controllers,and its interfacing devices.Different communication devices(gsm,gps,Xbee,RF reader),Different sensors(temperature,humidity,person indicating, fingerprint etc)
My family background
I am Married.I have one Baby girl.My husband working in the marketing field as a manager.I have two brothers,Elder brother working as a team lead in soft were field and younger pursuing job.father farmer and mother house wife.
My prospective on India technological development
Due to different causes,Unemployement,lack in education system,working for earn money,lack on support.
Future of embedded systems
1. can move to the ever growing field of robotics after completing your engineering.2. You can move to automation technology. 3. You can move to hardcore electronics companies like nvidia, intel, ST Microelectronics etc.4. You can chart out a career in IT companies like TCS, HCL.
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