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Advice Request
Krishna Kumar Pande
Krishna Kumar Pande

Krishna Kumar Pande

Educational Consultant

Teerthanker Mahaverr University


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Hailing from the hills of Uttarakhand my mother stayed at Nainital to ensure good education to us while my father served the Public Works Department at the interior hills where he was posted. Eldest of three brothers and sister, my sister did her medical and is in UK while my brother is an Engineer
Most Important Career Decisions
I started my career in the Public Sector NHPC and quit it to start as a free lancer consultant which was the turning point as leaving a govt job in 1995 was against family wish. The other career decision was to shift to Education in 2000 from construction management
Most Important Lessons
Punctuality, delivering what is committed within the given time frame, honesty in dealing with people, in depth knowledge of the field of working and keeping in touch with the ground reality are some important lessons. Also one should be prepared to learn from any person in life.
Comparison With Other Language
Java is a platform independent language which means it doesn't run on any specific Operating system Like Windows or Linux. It can run on any platform and this makes it different from other languages. Its quite popular now and is being preferred.
Required Reading
You can get many links from this link but really depends what you need. There are many books for getting trained in Java and has its certification matrix also. Please check this link for certifications
Role Model
My grandmother has been an inspiration who has lived int he hills in tough conditions and was quite active and energetic even at the age of 80.Her punctuality in life getting up at 430 in the morning and going to bed at 730 at night with clock perfection has motivated me.
Current Job Profile
I am presently looking after the International collaboration and students for the university in addition to the establishment of the Distance Education, academic strengthening of the university and syllabus coordination.
Changes in the industry
Java has been enhanced a lot over the years. It is widely used in mobile applications, Web based portals, many products are also built on this technology.
Degrees That Matter
As I said, java is a preferred language.. it all depends what is the requirement. If a client has bought an Oracle technology stack [products] he would go for java else if he is using Microsoft technology he might opt for Dot NET also which is similar to Java and is in competition.
Plans for the Future
I would be heading some university which is eager to deliver to the students a open platform of learning with more focus on experiential learning.
Challenges in The Technology
Java has a very bright scope but you need to be updated with all the enhancements and updates. Its like an ocean.
Current Role
Coordinating the academic section of the University; creating new collaborations both Indian and International and looking after the needs of foreign students.
Work Life Balance
Well priorities have to set from time to time. At times of need the work takes the priority. However time for my own self and my body are fixed which includes a fixed time for calling it a day. Besides family needs are never neglected and planned in advance so that they get the due share of time.
Scope Of Java
Scope if bright and I am sure the advances will keep it in the lead
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