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Advice Request
Kiran M S
Kiran M S

Kiran M S

Director - DevOps


Ensuring success
I am constantly updating myself with the new technologies which emerges out in the IT industry, by subscribing for IT magazines, attending seminars, product road shows, etc. We can not be getting our hands wet on all the emerging technologies. So we have to make a conscious decision to choose one of the emerging technology and go for it. Currently I have picked up cloud implementation and operations as my area. I am exploring, leveraging, tools and technique for continuous integration and continuous deployment of application in cloud environment.
My achievements
I have always gone behind the nature of work I want to handle and achieved it. After my collage days I wanted to join job related to computer. I joined as a hardware engineer in an public sector company. Next I wanted to be be a system administrator, prepared myself with some of the certification and jumped in to system administration. When there was a need in the team for a build and release engineer, I stepped in learnt scripting, programming quickly and started delivering. Once I became manager, I was constantly mentoring my engineers to achieve more than what they are doing yesterday. I am proud to say for several years I had 0% voluntary attrition in my team. I have prepared second levels in my team who would take over entire responsibility what I can handle. This helps me in focusing time for exploring new avenues.
From last two years I wanted to work on cloud operation, I went behind it, prepared myself for the role and achieved it.
My family background
I am born and brought up in Bangalore, Karnataka. My father was working in public sector company, mother a house wife. I have two younger brothers, both are in IT industry. One of them working in QE area and other in HR.

I am married to Pooja, ours was very early arranged marriage. Pooja was working as a office executive for about 10 years, once we had our second kid she left job. We have two kids, elder one Athresh is in IX std, he likes computer programming and swimming, younger one Anirudh is in LKG, he is very naughty, keep us on our feet when at home. Pooja is very great home maker, she likes cooking and cooks lots of verity all the times. She enjoys playing with kids.
Brief description about me
I have around 17 years of experience in IT industry. Currently working as Director - DevOps Technology in 247-inc, Intuitive customer experience company. Earlier to this I have worked in EMC Data Storage System, where my role was Senior Engineering Manager responsible for managing software development, build and release group. Prior to this, I was associated with Sun Microsystems as System Integration Lead in storage area and CMC Ltd as Storage Specialist.

Academically I have completed MBA with Leadership and Entrepreneurship as specialisation, BS in Information Systems, Diploma in Electronics and Communication.

I am married to Pooja, we have too kids Athresh and Anirudh.
Influenced by
In my life there are many people who have influenced the way I think and make decision. we should be ready to accept and correct our way of thinking when others point our shortfalls. If you go out with a open mind you will have some good things to pick up from any conversation, training, seminar, etc.
Couple of years from now
Couple of years is very less time to talk about. Currently I am exploring cloud operations and deployments, I would like to take few years to exploring emerging technology in this space. On this path I would like to contribute to the company and community to adopt best process, tools and techniques. I am also exploring to develop a niche product in storage or cloud space, which can be of great help to community.
More about myself
Many folks in the IT industry thinks that job is life. They relate there success and failures to their job. We should try to keep job and life separately, this will reduce lot of stress. It is not a must that you have to grow in your job year after year. What is important for you would be to being sincere, maintaining integrity and having fun. Ups and downs are part of the life, we should not bother much about it. We should know on what we have control and what we do not have, act on the one which we have control on.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Most of our education systems are focused on theories. I would like to see more and more job oriented courses, skilled training courses to open up. Once out of schools if students have option to get enrolled for specific skilled training and get them ready to take up that job movement they are out of training center that would be a great move in the education system.
Important lesson learned
We should not be sticking to the comfort zone always. You should take time and effort to settle in one area of work, once settled, experience the luxury for some time. Next you should look for the new area to explore. This will keep you current, makes you more confident, takes away insecurity feeling.
Building trust with people whom you are working with is very key to be successful. When you try to explore a new area of work trust will be very minimal with new stake holders. Even though you have achieved lot of stuff in past, you need to establish your credibility at new work area so that people starts trusting you. Once trust is established, most of your interaction will be very smooth and you keep growing. You should also remember to maintain your credibility as you grow, by adding value for your position.
Another point I would like to make would be to visualise the things from one to two level higher than what your position is, this will help in knowing expectation.
Important decision
Important decisions I have taken is to take risks all along. Risk of challenging the way it is working, taking up new role, moving people around, etc. These decisions helped me to come out of the comport zone and to explore different options.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Self awareness is the key to be a successful leader. He should be trust worthy, which high integrity. You don't have to be popular among others to be a successful leader, you just need capability to get people along in the direction you want to go. Off-course you should have discussed the plan before execution.
Initiative to develop a country
In my view, we should have better infrastructure. Corporate should think of setting up their offices in new towns, government should support in building small smart cities so that congestion at the bigger cities could be eased. As a professional we should get involved in social activities, vote of right cause, protest if there is anything wrong in the system.
My strongest skill
In my opinion strongest skill I have is my self confidence and perseverance. These two attributes have helped me to achieve what I am today.
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