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Advice Request
Karan Sumbly
Karan Sumbly

Karan Sumbly

Insides Sales

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Brief description about me
Hy, I am KARAN SUMBLY. Basically from J&K state but brought up across various northern plains. Most of my schooling took place at Jammu itself and after completing it, I went further on for my graduation. I did my B.Tech in Electronics and Communications from Punjabi University, Patiala (PUNJAB). I have always been looking for some more so, finally landed up at Doon University, Dehradun for my Masters’ in Marketing and International Business. I have always been curious about my life, my surroundings, the world we are living in, the shifts happening around etc.

Important career decision
I went for B.Tech without knowing what it was but gradually somewhere down the line I realized engineering is something that takes out the real man in you. It gives you the path to think logically. If you wish to analyze yourself and your life well go for engineering it’s a must for everyone.

        While I am doing my MBA right now, I must share it with you this is something that I have always wanted to do. B.Tech was an impromptu thing for me; I just went in for it and after that, I realized there is something that I am still missing. May be it was the right kind of exposure, the proper mind-set, the maturity as an engineer or an adult human being. I never knew anything about MBA, but all my life I have been fascinated by this word. Some call it, Master in Business Administration and some call it, Market Basket Analysis different thinkers have a different approach for it. For me it’s the basic know-how of the life; how to act and react; how to learn, relearn and unlearn; how to think and ink, how to create and negotiate, how to present and portray and various other things. It is quite a useful tool to see the real in this unreal world.

Degree that matters
There is no complete or wholesome qualification as such. Firstly, one should follow and chase ones’ own dream and aspirations. Decide what you want to seek in your life. Choose between knowledge & money. You may become a reputed scientist like Dr. APJ Kalam and enjoy a high social status and respect or you may choose to be like Dhirubhai Ambani who enjoys more of economic status than social status.
If you have a craving for knowledge go for some research or exploratory work as a scientist or as an academician or as a researcher or as a doctoral fellow and if you want more of money in your life then go for accountancy, MBA, entrepreneurship, consultancy, services etc.

Prospective towards frashers
First job is an entry to a different world. After getting  first joining/offer letter one is subjected to more of responsibility, more of accountability, more of sub-ordination, more of pressure, more of deadlines all at the same time.
As a fresher, before joining any company one can gamble oneself with anything. A fresher is more of a free lancer who is free to take any kind of work, any kind of area or discipline but when one joins in at any company and has a role to play, one has to be totally into it. One has no exit for at least 2-3 years and this gestation period is the era which will catapult one further into your career trajectory. Once your road map is clear, you may drive at any speed with safety.
So, the first job one does should be the finest one undertaken. One should leave no stone unturned to learn and gain maximum out of it. This is the time to do most of the mistakes because as you move further up the hierarchy in any organization there is no allowance for doing mistakes or for making wrong decisions.

My strongest skill
I am always prepared for any kind of situation keeping in view that even a defeat has an implicit learning in it. I have been a risk taker because if you really want to learn and earn you have to go beyond the general conventions. I feel, I have been doing fairly well as a team player.Anything that interests me, I am overly enthusiastic about it. I have been consistently good at maintaining relationships that the best thing about being a human.

My role model
Well, for me the role model has been the greatest of the technologist ever witnessed by the world Late Steve Jobs. His contributions to the world and to the   society have marked their own milestones. A man who has done all the justice to the technology by making it more easy, more beautiful, more different, more unique, more interactive, more fascinating, & more useful. It’s not about producing the finest of gadgets but producing the futuristic gizmos. Money can be made by any means, but by making it out of value delivered to the end consumer is something unmatched. He has undoubtedly set an example for us and for everybody else first by creating i-Mac, then i-pod, i-phone and now i-pads. Every time Apple Inc. comes out with an offering it’s something beyond human’s expectation. Something more and something different every time. I have hardly seen any Apple customer dissatisfied with the product.

Upcoming Trends
There is couple of things that I have recently noticed in general:
1. e-Governance it’s going to be future for any kind of interaction or exchange between government and its citizens.
2. e-Commerce will be the next big thing after the big internet boom of late 90’s.
3. Marketing will be more based on relationship or referral basis.
4. There will be a shift from PCs and laptops to tablets and smart phones.
5. Cloud-Computing will soon take over data banks.
6. Service sector like healthcare, personal care, software solutions etc has a tremendous potential.

My goal
I have a big dream of being an entrepreneur but to be so I have to work on ground zero where in I can have the real feel. So, I will work in corporate for at least 3-5 years and then will move on for establishing a business setup of my own.

family background
My father is a fellow in insurance sector and is working as Deputy Mgr. at Oriental Insurance Company. My mother is working as a Sr. Accountant at AG( Accounts General) office. My elder brother is working as a software developer for JP Morgan Chase.

Advice from elders
The best thing that I have ever heard is this – It doesn’t matter whether you are successful or not but what matters is your sincere effort and the pains that you took for it. Winning isn’t a good habit always, at time even a failure will let open a door of many better opportunities for you.

I have achieved good company, good association and friends who strengthen me and complement any voids in me. The greatest things that I have ever achieved is that it’s my work that speaks on my behalf, I don’t have to justify it. For whatever good I have learnt or done it just because of the great persons with whom I have been in touch with.

Advice to students
Choose whatever you really feel for doesn’t matter even if its arts, music, craft, cooking, cricket etc. Do what you want to do there is nothing as such high or low and big or small. Just do what you want to do nothing else matters. Whenever you do something of your choice just give it your best shot.

My point of view
We have immense talent in our nation but the thing that is pushing us backwards is the lack of policies which would have strengthened hardware and software facilities in our country.
We are having decent intellect and handsome raw material in our nation but we aren’t processing it to any outcome. Countries like China and Taiwan are pioneers in hardware. We are so poor at hardware that we are deficient at producing even a single SIM card in our own country. The educational system and industrial setup aren’t encouraging Indians to produce high-tech product that will dominate the world market. But even in this darkness, we have products like Tata Nano, Chotokool Refrigerator, & Aakash Tablet that have made a mark in the global market. I wish and hope we could see more of products like these in our future & due encouragement is given hardware as well as software sector in our country.

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