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Advice Request
Kalyan Roy
Kalyan Roy

Kalyan Roy




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Family Background
I am from a very poor family , being the eldest sibling out of 6 brothers and 2 sisters. both my parents tried their level best to manage our education and all what one need. Late Shri Kamal Kumar Roy, my father and Late Shrimati Mira Roy created my base on technology and arts, communications.
Plans For The Future:
I am visualising to make an organisation catering to an unorganised sector in filter, filtration, filter media and anything related to filtration. we have already developed some import substitute, which I feel is good for India to save money and giving opportunity to create more jobs in India.
Job Profile:
Being the COO, I specially look into the strategic part of it. Product Development to system development. vendor development to joint ventures etc. our organisation even it is very small, still we can manage huge assignment, which are really diversified to the true sense of the term.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
First I improved the response time. We offer within 24 hours time to response a customer with standard offer while immediate intimation of acceptance of their message. We focused on specific technology for specific application, we do not send offer till we feel the enquiry is qualified to make offer
Advice For New Professionals:
with my 30 years experience in India and aboard, I like to share with all that:
1. We should learn as much as possible before we deliver
2. no compromise with quality
3. clear cut communication and committment
4. consistency in all respect
5. exceed the expectation to the customer
Prized Accomplishment(s):
we have made some import substitute coupled with value addition in the case of some filter consumables which we can offer at 50-60% of the price available worldwide. unique designed system for multiple filtration, submitted to Nasa competition, read about it in Filtech 2011 in Germany.
Growth Strategy:
We are getting management trainee from various institutes like IIPM, VJTI,etc. they are under process of grooming to take delegation of work in the field of design, development, production, projects, marketing, finance, quality and so on. one day these teams will make more multiples.
Role Model:
I do have a number of role model but my Father comes first with his tool box, I am still the habit to keep small thing together for future needs, be it a book, CD or any specific tool for work. I learnt wood work, clay work, painting, creating thing with available and limited resources.
Required Reading:
I do collect various type of books, cd and publications. I had started this habit from my mother, used to collect important parts of newspaper packets, and now google has changed my life. One of my boss told me to read the Econimic Times, which has changed my life with added dimension.
Done Differently:
I shall work on soft and web version, not what I had done over last 30 years or so with hard copies, to buy, restore, keep safely and so on. retrieval time of any documents when we need is important. hence to work fast to match the speed of the day software and internet is a must to live.
Working Life Management:
it is tough, keep attending calls and message from 6 am in the morning from Japan, Korea, china etc, Finish with the guys in Europe and USA some time at 2am. so health and family is getting disturbed. But there is not option for me as my team is yet to develop to be delegated.
Career Profile:
This roll is practically a complete entity. what ever I had done earlier was not fully, but here from finance, quality, marketing, design, execution everything is there. This is possible because I never said no and used to poke my nose, at the need of the hour, made me confident to take charge.
Other Thoughts:
one thing that I have learnt maximum thing from the shop floor people, some from the books and rest from the internet. some people helped me a lot indirectly when they opposed me to do something creative way. I do apply all possible techniques here with full right.
The Decisions That Matter
I had got chance in OFB, a India Govt organisation. but taken risk to join Isgec John Thompson, where I had learned a lot. Then joined a foreign company as a country manager leaving an Indian firm, opting for home based job, leaving a glamorous office. I got huge time to work from home.
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