
Kalpana Dreamflower

Kalpana Dreamflower
B.Sc Plant biology & Plant Biotech...

Kalpana Dreamflower ’s Blogs

Dreams are a big part of our Lives And You must do whatever it takes To make them a Reality; By the plans you make...more >>
Our Birth is our Opening Balance! Our Death is our Closing Balance! Our Prejudiced aViews are our Liabilities. Our ...more >>

Kalpana Dreamflower ’s experience

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Kalpana Dreamflower ’s education

B.Sc [Plant biology & Plant Biote...],
PSG College of Arst & Science [May,2007] , Coimbatore, INDIA
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. [Currently,Studying] , Coimbatore, INDIA

Kalpana Dreamflower ’s additional information

two wheelar driving, listening music, thriller flim, investing, counselling, etc.,
Awards and achievements:
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