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Advice Request
Joylee Ponkumati
Joylee Ponkumati

Joylee Ponkumati

SAP Senior Resource Manager



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How I continue to Grow
1. Dream big and make your dreams come true. Never give up on your ideas, no matter how they may sound to some. Use people's criticism to your advantage and make your ideas bullet proof. Let your ideas counter attack the criticisms but simply adding another component to your dream. If you get upset, you will give up, but if you use the ideas and add up to your already existing dreams, not only you will satisfy more people by your product, you also shall increase your chances of becoming successful through having a more solid plan for your idea.

2. Don't have any fear of failure. If you fear, you will not do well, mostly to the fact that you once again will want to give up. If you have high hopes and you believe in your idea, then give it %100 of your attention. You will succeed through hard work. But keep in mind that you shouldn't rush things either. Do your research, gain some knowledge and work around your idea accordingly.

3. Stay motivated and never give up! If you want to experience success, then you must never lose hope and never get tired of what you do. Love your ideas and love your work. Do what must be done. If you give up, some other person later or sooner will get there instead of you.

Looking for other options, ideas and perspectives. Challenging myself to see things differently and try new things. Reading. Talking to people whom I know will enlighten me, as well as those I don't already know that about. Listening to other leaders - from all over - to learn what they're doing and what I can emulate. Making time to stop and think and be "thoughtful." Choosing to look inside for my answers and outside for other answer that I might not have considered.

Current work profile
My current job profile is to act as a trusted client advisor and relationship manager combining leading-edge resources and technology to deliver best in class talent for critical business needs. Parallely taking care of global recruitment with specialization in Recruitment Strategy, mentoring team, customer presentations, pre sales activities and building modules along with devising strategy and recruitment process, as well as actual execution of the sourcing or recruiting campaign. They may be involved not only in finding and screening candidates, but developing the policy for talent bench-marking, talent assessment, and interviewing policies.
Handling Grievances
To a great extend the aggravation of employee problems depends on manager's approaches and attitude in effective handling grievances. I approach the problem perceiving the pros and cons of the situation. I see that there will be a win-win strategy that helps in the healthy organizational practices to reflect the strong organizational culture.
Leadership qualities
1. Setting the Example: Your colleagues will be looking to you as the example. The way you carry yourself in business is vital; you need to pull your weight and do your fair share.

2. Delegating: Delegating as a boss is another essential skill for management success.

Lead by example, always be available to lend a hand, and do your fair share of the work. A manager that is respected will get the most out of their team.

3. Organisation: A good leadership skill is organization. Not simply being organised and managing your diary and meetings; but being able to efficiently organise a team of people. This should be both in and out of the office.

The key to leading a team is to know how to get the best out of them. As the manager, you need to be able to effectively organise colleagues in a way that will always drive the best results. If you’re new to a business this will take some trial-and-error, but is something that will always yield positive results.

4. People Skills: Managers need to get trust and respect from their colleagues. Especially if their promotion is in a completely new company. People skills are essential for successful management, as how can you build relationships without them?

You need to be seen as approachable, trustworthy, and hard working, as well as authoritative and assertive. It is a key to strike a balance between this, and you can do so by getting to know your colleagues.

5. Passion: Perhaps the most important leadership skill a manger can demonstrate is passion. Whatever field you work in, you should still love it. Passion and enthusiasm is always infectious, and if you don’t still love what you do you probably shouldn’t be still there.

Leading a team of professionals is no easy task. With conflicting opinions, ideas, and beliefs, it falls to you as manager to make everything work harmoniously. But with the right skills, drive, and enthusiasm you can lead a team like a pro.

Advice to upcoming leaders
1. Desire: the wish to follow up with dreams and the feeling of doing what one wants

2. Determination: working with purpose and setting up a definite path to follow

3. Confidence: obtaining the firm trust of one or a group

4. Honesty: the quality of being honest and true with all means

5. Inspiration: the quality of being stimulated.

6. Motivation: the reason behind why you act in certain behavior. It indicates desire and willingness

towards a matter.

7. Attitude towards Work: high efficiency and being effective as a member of the work force

8. Boldness: the desire towards undergoing risk

9. Risk-taker: not being afraid of failure and coping with different situations

10. Being a Winner (Winner's Attitude): not selfish, but it influences a person when they do not succeed. It is the measure sadness and disappointment after experiencing defeat.

11. Innovation: obtaining new methods, ideas and products.

12. Commitments: dedication towards a specific job.

13. Responsibility: duty of having to deal with something as assigned.
Important decision
Sometimes, just sometimes, we find ourselves in a conflicting situation of decision making; our heart (emotions) says something and our head (logic) says something else. I have left my ambition of becoming a doctor when I got seat in Dental in my entrance exam. Many of my friends & family suggested giving a next try but I choose to pursue with my graduation and got into Human resources. I came up the hard way, learning things which were completely new for me. However, I made sure I thoroughly understood every aspect of the job I was working in. This translated into knowledge and better performance, which placed me on the path to success and has helped me reach where I am today.
Avoiding mistakes – both in your personal as well as profession
1. Do not underestimate the competition no matter how big your company gets. If you forget about the

Opposing forces, then you will get crushed and other firms will by-pass you without even looking back at you.

2. Maintain a good leadership strategy. The ones that are in charge of the business are the ones that make most of the decisions regarding the business; therefore, unify their thoughts and let them be as creative as they could be. If anything, hire another expert to assist your team with what they need.

3. Take into account all the changes that might happen sooner or later. Keep in mind that technology advances very quickly nowadays; therefore, you must be on top of your game. Keep the class of your business by simply being introduced to the latest innovations. Also another surprise that your business might face is the gifts/disasters that the mother nature gives you. Have a solid plan for the times that the business is down; for example take into account all your possibilities for recessions. Also bear in mind that other catastrophes such as tsunamis, storms and such, or even wars may affect your operations as well; thus, be prepared for all scenarios at all times!
My inspiration
Most definitely my Father and my wife, who also is my mentor. The man has such a zest for life, a love for life and for people, didn't matter who they are or what cultural, religious background; everyone was treated with the utmost respect and with kindness. He taught me to be successful. He made a life for himself out of nothing .His love has meant that although I have been very sad at times I came through it stronger, I have been so happy and had someone to share it with. The reason I am not messed up, the reason I am educated and reasonable, optimistic and realistic is because of my father. The reason I make good choices and can recognize, apologize for and rectify my bad ones is because of him and The most profound, tangible influence in my life has been my wife. I certainly would not be the person that I am today. She turned me into the responsible person that I am today.

My family background
I have been brought-up in a very discipline atmosphere where values and principles have always been given priority. It gives me great pleasure to give introduction of my family. My respected father name is Rev. P.Joshi. He is a renowned Radio and TV speaker. My mother is a house wife. In spite-of being a very family lady. She has been a great source of motivation. A part from this, I have two brothers and three sisters. They are all supporting in nature.
My views on India Technical development
I would say vision. We have much technology that can solve many of the problems of India but no leaders with vision and no call to action by all of society.

Change in delivery of education from the current classroom model to a model that addresses individual needs most likely involving the internet
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