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Advice Request
John Methuselah
John Methuselah

John Methuselah

Softskills Trainer

Icfai National College


John Methuselah is a member of:

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a lower middle class family. My parents also got into government service after a struggling.Hand to mouth was the income,however. My parents dreamed for us--3 boys & 1 girl-- and put in their blood and sweat in educating us in a catholic school struggling to pay the fees.
The Decisions That Matter
Many, but I was working more with youth and organisations and had intercultural exposure travelling all around India so I thought I should be with the promising yet directionless young people to mould them for the future,be a sign board and a mentor.I always wanted to inspire them to find themselves
Job Profile:
Heading the Dept of Training(Softskills)and Placements in AMET University.Identifying training gaps, in sync with the stakeholders,designing,developing and delivering training with TEA as a process intervention,to the students besides training the teaching&non-teaching staff.Recruit staff.
Advice For New Professionals:
However fat the pay may be,think that you are paid to learn;money is only a by-product.Proactively contribute to your organisation.Look for a change if there is no scope to learn.Train your juniors. Don't crave for recognition but be open to feedback. On loyal and assertive yet not lenient.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Well, challenges keep changing.However,if individuals are professional environment doesn't matter because any organisation is intended to function professionally if it has to excel.
Done Differently:
Become an entrepreneur and invest in Human Resource Development.Practically speaking, would start with an Educational Institute which would be an off-beat academic entity with rational ideas and practical applications.Besides,to empower the marginalised with skills to strengthen them economically.
Working Life Management:
Weekends, holidays, any chance, is not lost to be with my family. I don't keep work pending. I plan and work ahead of time. Worst case scenario; then, more holidays/leaves (don't bother LoP).I don't carry work to my home and vice versa.
Other Thoughts:
I have always found an atmosphere of freedom to think and work is what makes me enjoy work.It brings out the creativity in me and motivates me.
Plans For The Future:
1.In a leadership role in a pan India organisation if it comes my way or 2.Would become an entrepreneur in Education in my native place.
Role Model:
Dr.J.Ramachandran, the Chairman of AMET University. He is an educational entrepreneur who believed and worked to empower the youth of this country with skills training and making many an entrepreneur. He is the one who understood that economical empowerment is the real empowerment.Our ideals match !
Growth Strategy:
Not leaving any opportunity to learn and update myself,think critically, plan creatively, and network persistently.
Required Reading:
Many books but to name a striking few: Who moved my cheese,Seven habits of highly effective people, Empires of the mind,Thinking big,Six Thinking Hats,Winning, the 'how to...' series, the 'Idiot's guide to.....' series.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Giving leadership to the T&P Dept in AMET by personally getting involved in identifying Training gaps,designing curriculum, developing material,delivering and monitoring with TEA(Testing, Evaluation and Assessment)Recruiting my team and training them.
Career Profile:
Leading the Dept of Training (softskills) and Placements.(Training intervention & involvement is dealt at length earlier).Recruitment of trainers,monitoring training,charting out and imparting training to students,teaching/non-teaching staff,sourcing placements.
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