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Advice Request
Jayant Mulye
Jayant Mulye

Jayant Mulye

Sales/Marketing, Business Develo

Soneil International


Jayant Mulye is a member of:

Family Background
I am from a middle class Maharastrian family in India. I was born in Mumbai, studied in Malad, completed university from Mumbai University.
Contribution to the field
My current company would give me liberty in operating and any activity that would lead to business development. My current company has a leverage for me to set my own working hours, flexible for my timings.
My current company allows me to experiment for new business development.
Achieving Targets
I would suggest each individual member of my team to be focussed on his personal goals and then he could be a top performer in our team.
If you are winner you would be a part of winning team. Each member of my winning team set for his goals and targets with great product knowledge, right attitude.
Recommended Courses and Certification
Certification is not always required for corporate sector marketing, it is the contact and personal relations those matter the most when it comes to marketing.
Once you are good with people with excellent communication skills, your certification is secondary. Corporate world is very different.
Future trend
Marketing sector keeps changing as market changes. Basics remain same, fundamentals of marketing are not changing. The corporate world is show business, lots of hype, but need not be success if the it is not a right product for a consumer. The trend nowadays is technology and reliability,affordable.
Growth Prospect in marketing
The marketing person climbs ladder of success soon that other streams, however the more quicker you go up the more quicker you come down.
Marketing world is very short memory, the success counts and not the failure. However, it's the failure of an individual that make him a success full in long term
Marketing is different from other streams in terms of person. If a person is people oriented, marketing is not a difficult task. However, even if you are intelligent and not excellent people skills you may not be in marketing.
Take an example of Bill Gates, he is a people person, know to appreciate.
Importance of STP
Segmentation is the key in marketing as with this one can focus and implement strategy for that group of product. Targeting is necessary for the group of people or range of customers for product to be more precise in benefits. Positioning is very precise, as positioning will impact well in market.
Motivating Factor
Motivating factors are very few,some of these are self esteem, positive attitude, focussed approach and above all people friendly. Always look for good people, good work habits. People with negative thinking or pessimistic approach will survive in their career, but will never be achievers.
Marketing is an art and it does not come to you or you could learn over the period of time. It should comes from within, in your blood.
Selling is learned practice over the period of time one can become good sales person. But he will only implement the selling. He will not invent anything new.
Future prospect
I would see myself few years from now as a very good entrepreneur with a consumer company that needs people skills to establish at corporate level. I would look at high up in the corporate level where success is not easy to achieve. Still achievable with my own attitude, persuasion.
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
Marketing is an art and it comes from within, if you can not hang up with your friends of all type but only very few that fits your attitude, then you may not be suitable for marketing career.
Marketing needs variety of different people with different attitude. Your instinct will make you achiver.
My growth in organization is steady and always upward. No matter what it may happen in the organization professional come in and leave I would be the key person in my organization.
Brief yourself
I am a people person with a strong belief that each individual is different. There is always something to learn within every individual. I am open to learn every day, change my self on daily basis for new challenging tomorrow. My open nature makes me more adjusting and accomplished.
Well one of the website is Silicon India, the magazine itself is full of knowledge. Lots of new articles, news from around the world.
I would recommend that one should always looking for new concepts, new website, new design anything new that is happening.
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